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Everything posted by cardinal81o7

  1. i know hicks has atleast one, dont know if jackson got on the board yet or not but they're on the way
  2. well the question was whos the best player not the player that plays on potentially the best team. and the other person you mentioned really doesnt stand out. i mean heck i played in the outfield next to dishon for part of the year, but obviously hes way better than i am, and i dh'ed for part of the year, but im no david ortiz either. just because they do the same things doesnt automatically make them comparable
  3. hicks without a doubt, he was better last year than hart is this year as a senior. for a freshman to come in that way and dominate the way he did and is still doing is almost unheard of. he plays the most important position in the infield (aside from pitcher) with near flawless defense, and has the bat to back it up. he also pitches with the ability that most seniors never achieve. arm, fielding, instincts, hitting, timing, i think the only thing hart has an advantage on hicks is speed, and oh by the way prior to his car accident when he was 12 he was the fastest kid in his grade. hart is a tremendous ballplayer dont get me wrong, but from bc or not i think hicks is the best all around player in 21 3a roebuck from hj pretty good as well.
  4. i think thats the lastname of the coach
  5. going 500 in two games should warrant more than 40, good to see him picking up where he left off
  6. bc jasper and hf in that order bc because im bias, thats all the reason i need for a predistrict prediction ;D
  7. what i've done by linkin park??? no thank you lol
  8. yea yea its just faster when typing lol
  9. hmmm...then i guess 100 isnt too out of site for him now ricky henderson had 1406 steals over a 24 year span and he avg about 2.5 steals a game, in hs thats about 70 steals a year, pretty amazing, but he is the best of all time
  10. yall never had a chance no ways against them last year or this year dude...go showcase your lack of knowledge somewhere else....every single jasper bc game was close they just happened to come out on top in all but one, and we know we always have a better than decent shot against the hammered hawk hecklers and their team I think 25 steals in a season would be an off year for Hart. 35 to 40 would be more like it for him. and you only need one finger to count all the times he has been thrown out attempting to steal. and that was an attempt on home last year against BC. He was successful on his other attempt at home in that same game. Of course, Jasper is a running team anyway. The team, by the 3a.com count, had 20 steals in the two games at state last year. Some folks might consider that fairly decent base running ........... but the question was over 100 in a career which in the case of 35 he would have to do that for three consecutive years assuming that he played every single game, which even if you reach the state tournament is only about 35 games, and if you dont its about 20 meaning he would have to avg more than 1 steal a game, and that is assuming he gets on base atleast twice a game. im not trying to say its impossible but highly unlikely for anyone to have more than 100 steals in a hs career, even though hes very fast and nearly impossible to throw out if he doesnt trip,
  11. hmm dishon was on varsity as a freshman and that means you would have to average 25 steals a season for four years, and to me thats unrealistic... but i think the kid from hf and bronson are the fastest bronson absolutely was toying with us last year , if it hit the ground there was almost no chance
  12. everyone in bc is so happy for derek, NO ONE worked harder than he did day in and day out, and it payed off
  13. its called sarcasm i guess i took for granted you might not have ever heard of that, and yea im from bc we have an awesome reputation for academics, like for example: i can point out you dont know the difference of "your" and "you're" from your last post, which is the kind of post that has your...notice the correct usage of "your" there....karma at negative 31
  14. i think you're talking about basketball
  15. you play to win... if it involves walking the best hitter sometimes to keep runs off the board, you gotta do it
  16. garrett delano, and i too support any and every bc team simply because they wear the red and white, not because im friends w/ any of them or because i like the coach or their parents or any of that bull, i'll support any team in bc regardless of the people involved.... by the way im still waiting for an actual post on here that is in my opinion "bashing"...still havent read one
  17. your team would have been in the stands watching
  18. lets just put that argument to bed please, it was a team loss not individual
  19. a lot to prove on the right side of the infield at bc, lost bolton and warner, but the left side is pretty solid, two sophs that can flat play
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