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Everything posted by t_markum

  1. So now that BC has finally settled on what they want, what's next for HF?
  2. I don't know if Coach Landry reads these posts or not, but if he does, I just want you to know I think BC has snub you in a really wrong way. HF would be honored if you decide to stay and continue coaching our boys. I think we look good for next year and it will be a great run!
  3. Where can you go to get info for the 14-15 yr olds, such as schedules and rosters.
  4. Who plays in this game, 5A, 4A, 3A, etc?
  5. I10 toward Houston. Take Hamshire Rd exit and go left over overpass. Continue straight you will come to a sharp right and then a sharp left and the field will be on your left.
  6. are you kidding? losing to a 4th or 5th place team in your district relatively close to the playoffs is a HUGE deal. the best thing for bc would be to run rule this team in 5, time to start expecting that every time you take the field, no room for doubting yourself now and saying "well maybe we'll win in 7" Don't you think that just speaks pretty highly of our district if the first place team is that worried about a 5th place team.
  7. Just wanted to let everyone know that HF has a new website for their baseball team. Check it out www.hfbaseball.com
  8. Oh yes, skeeter spray is a staple. If the wind is less than 30 mph there will be skeeters!
  9. Congratulations, Travis!!! We'll be checking in on you.
  10. Nolan Ryan had an intense regimen. So did Cal Ripken. They didn't work out like that until they were grown men. These kids are developing more muscle than their tendons and ligaments can handle. On top of that they are not developing flexibility and everything gets so tight until something has to give. That's why we see so many more tendon and ligament injuries to High School athletes. Exactly!! My son had an elbow injury last year. We went to a doctor in Houston and he said his muscle was so much stronger than his growth plate that the muscle overpowered the bone and broke off part of the growth plate.
  11. The complaint is not to workout or not. Definitely believe in working out. The complaint is the type of work outs. Some of the coaches are working the boys out like they are power lifters not baseball players. That is the complaint. Just because someone questions what a coach is doing to their kid doesn't make them a winer. Let's face it just because the word coach is in front of your name doesn't make you a see all know all expert.
  12. Mine does go to a trainer plus all the after school workout. Trainer suggested quitting football to focus on baseball.
  13. Moore at 3rd and Courville at 1st for HF has done a jam up job. Moore has just returned to play and has done a great job. Courville has the best pooper scooper I've seen.
  14. We are in a small school where most of the kids play all sports. This year the ad implemented the rule that if your in football, you must complete off season training which includes up to 45 minutes after school before you can go to your other sports practice. Yes, they don't make them lift on game days, but he forces them to make up the workout the next day which means they are doing a double workout on those days. How can this possibly be good for the boys muscles. When do the muscles get to rest. And it sure seems like we keep having a lot of muscle injuries.
  15. Did you ever think for a minute that maybe it isn't the coaches it's the kids... Absolutely not!! Yes, your talent matters, but talent or not a good coach will figure out a way to may the kids strengths work for the team. They may not be state champs, but there is no reason that even a team with mediocre talent can't at least have a winning season with the right coach. I don't think we give enough credit to good coaches until they're not there.
  16. What are you going to change to? Not real deep.
  17. Pitching against Liberty for HF started with Travis Moore for the first half the game, then I think it was Jake Minaldi, Logan Johnson, and Brett Koenig, each an inning.
  18. Hey guys, keep those of us unlucky enough to have to be at work posted. What's going on with the 1230 game.
  19. Any upcoming new talent standing out?
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