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Everything posted by jmspears3

  1. I can remember a couple of times Silsbee buses had to have a police excort out of the old pear orchard gym.
  2. Silsbee vs Bmt Hebert..IMO was more intense than this rivalry...We just did not have away of talking about...no internet ;D ;D
  3. Jeez...All he AAW was doing was trying to break it down for everyone..Just like any other broadcaster would do. What does A&M have to do with this ??? Go back to class
  4. Silsbee by 5 Silsbee 65 HJ 60
  5. AAW......you are a closet trash talker!!!! I knew it!!! I knew it!!!! ;D ;D :D
  6. Hopefully they will score enough to win
  7. At least it was not 100-0...I am sorry that was just wrong ;D ;D
  8. Reg. 1 Burkburnett Reg 2 Angyle Reg. 3 Silsbee Reg. 4 West Oso
  9. He is probably drinking battery acid right now..I expect to read his full wrath on wizzie in a few minutes. It will not be pretty. :D
  10. With that name he called AAW in a earlier post....AAW might pull the trigger on the Whizzie ;D ;D ;D
  11. I'll take Silsbee and the 20. How much do you have in your little piggy bank to wager? I know you are not old enough to have a job and a bank account with the immature comments you make. : actually i do have a job douche i will put money on that as matter of fact since you talk so much ish why dont you play me one on one old man lets see how that goes hahaha ill bring the visine and the arthritis medicine for you lol Resorting to name calling.. I have played AAW a many times in BBall and with his turnaround jumper...He would take you easy and I never seen you play, but since you were banned from a HJ game last year...I assume you never played on the varsity level
  12. I am going to be a little more realistic, and say Silsbee by 5. This game might go into OT as well. I hope both teams take care of business on Tueday night and are injury free, so there will be no excuses from either side.
  13. SPLIT CONFERENCE FOOTBALL ALIGNMENT STUDY - DRAFT This is a draft of a plan that could split football conferences into two divisions. This is not a proposal by UIL staff, nor has it been approved by the UIL Legislative Council. The study of a split conference alignment plan for football is complete. This plan divides each conference into two divisions in football. The largest half of each conference is grouped into a division and the smaller half of the conference is divided into a separate division. The large school division has 16 districts and the smallest half of each conference has 16 districts. Approximately six to eight schools are placed into each district. The same number of schools from each district advance to the playoffs. Twelve champions would be crowned as is done currently. Possible Advantages: • Provides more clarity and less confusion regarding who is Division I and who is Division II. • Clearly defines divisions prior to the season rather than at the end of district play. • Creates more equity in relation to the largest and smallest school within a division. • Eliminates two schools with the largest enrollments in the state advancing to the playoffs in the smaller enrollment division. • Eliminates the smallest schools in a conference grouped with the largest schools in a conference. Possible Disadvantages: • Additional travel. • Other team sport activities could want the same division alignment. • Creates an additional group of schools that will be the smallest within a division. • Creates administrative inconvenience. • Scheduling issues could occur in multi-school districts that share stadiums. The UIL staff presented the concept to the Legislative Council in June and October. The Council authorized this study to provide information regarding the actual placement of schools into districts. This draft is for study purposes only and applies to football They tried this in 2008 also.
  14. I'll take Silsbee and the 20. How much do you have in your little piggy bank to wager? I know you are not old enough to have a job and a bank account with the immature comments you make. : I want in on that action.
  15. Tigers 94 Horns 45
  16. Mike What happened to the broadcast...Lost you at halftime last night
  17. Jeez whats up with the broadcast
  18. Mike Did I hear you say OF has 17 Turnovers already
  19. Silsbee pressure defense is just to much for OF 32-14 Tigers
  20. 25-10 Silsbee midway through 2nd quarter
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