In perhaps the toughest speech of his life, Hoover High head football coach Rush Propst gave a tearful apology to the Hoover community Tuesday night right after the school board accepted his resignation. Propst admitted to having an affair outside his marriage that resulted in a child but said he did not have an affair with a school administrator as previously alleged. He said he didn't pressure anyone to change football players' grades, didn't take illegal money from the Buc TV broadcast fund and reported Alabama High School Athletic Association violations to his principal. He claimed he had no "wrongdoing inside the walls of Hoover High School" but said he was guilty of not supervising the day-to-day activities of his staff and, as head coach, claimed responsibility for "minor" Alabama High School Athletic Association violations that have occurred in recent years. Propst's resignation agreement, unanimously approved by the school board Tuesday night, allows him to coach the Hoover Bucs as long as they last through the playoffs this year. After that, he'll be put in an administrative assistant job, reporting to Superintendent Andy Craig, until his resignation becomes effective Aug. 31. His annual $100,678 salary will stay the same, but the school board also agreed to give him a $120,000 annunity and to pay about $21,000 to transfer a one-year service credit from the Georgia Retirement System to the Alabama Retirement System.