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  1. What is the head coaches record at bridge city?
  2. I thought the thread was about scholarships. As for your quote about no scholarship i really don't believe you will ever hear the man say that. I made the comment about him a long time ago when the questions about scholarships arose, that he got no help but he got one on his own. In this day and time most parents are sending resume's and dvd's out their jr year. If you wait till your senior year your already behind the curve no matter where you are at.
  3. I thought the thread was about a new coach. Coach Bryant no longer coaches at bridge city so maybe you need find someone else to blame. The thread was blocked then reopened for what, more blame and trash talk. If your going to talk about the state tourney then bring up the individual stats, start a thread on that, start a thread on the athletes that have scholarships then lose them.
  4. Again injun your at it again... The man no longer coaches at bridge city. but here is a question for you... Did you play high school ball? He did. Did you play college ball? He did. Did you get a baseball scholarship? He did. Did you get any help from your coach to play college ball? He didn't, he did it on his own. Did you coach 2 different high schools to the state touney? He did. And as for summerball and the importance of dad's in a young athletes development, i have never seen or heard anyone deny that. But being an all-star in little league doesn't determine who will become a pro.
  5. Lesson learned: If your not political you lose. If you choose to play the best players instead of the political players, you lose.
  6. Not being able to vote on your own player makes a big difference. If you have a player you think is MVP then why cant you vote for him.. I am not taking anything away from any of the players but when you put rules on who you can vote on then that does change the outcome.
  7. As usual comments about coach bryant that make no sense. why don't you ask him if he showed up.. he tried to get his guys as much as he could. The main problem is the coach cant vote for his own players.
  8. 12 to 2 B.C.
  9. yea he is over 200 wins this year and nobody in the administration even acknowledged it
  10. well 3amagic that makes 2 that bridge city won, i guess your reasoning was correct
  11. Coach Bryant at bridge city just won his 200th game as a head coach in 8 years
  12. that also was the 200th win for Coach Bryant
  13. I hope you can maintain your goal to keep the coach bashing to a minimum but it is only the tip of a major problem that bridge city is faced with. there is a group that has a goal and that goal is very selfish. They are destroying careers and creating negative feelings throughout a program. They are involving people without them realizing what they setting themselves up for. Bridge City has been blessed with some good teams and the little league program creates basically a minor league team for the varsity. But be real just because your a little league all star doesn't mean you will be a starter. this is just a small precursor for the real world. Not everybody gets a trophy at the end of the year.
  14. That didn't take long to start blaming the coach,, you need to start complaining about the field so the NEW school board will fix it
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