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  1. I really hope that "some" hawk fans truly realize what they are losing. I hope those same fans realize how hard they have made his life and his families lives the last few years.  David Martel is a member of a dying breed of coaches.  That man can coach just about anything and cares about everything.  Now coaches are too specialized and only care about one, sometimes two sports.  He didn't treat his days at HJ like he was gathering a paycheck.  His heart was truly here and in it at all times.  I can only imagine the struggle he has been dealing with is his decision making these past few weeks.  Best of Luck David and also the your family and congrats. YOU WILL BE MISSED BY ALL!
  2. how dare any of you get on a public forum and single out one player. a player that was a MINOR child until this past friday! i would hope for your sake that no one of does this to any of your children.  i know that this kid in particular could absolutely care less what any one on this website has to say about him or any one else for that matter. he loves to play basketball. that's it! he will play at the next level, and it will have nothing to do with any of the contributions that any of you will claim to have made or try to take credit for. it will be because of what his current coaches, family, and teachers pushing him to be his best on the court and off.
  3. actually, there was a PLAYER (wore long sleeves under his jersey), not a fan that did run directly over to the HJ side of the bleachers with his fists up.  he was swearing at a group of women and had to be taken off by an officer.  i was one of those women.  i'm not sure what he wanted me to do....
  4. i have heard ENOUGH! you people!!! "i'm closer to the program and school," "no, i am, iam!" do me a favor and get back to your day job! here's the deal... let's just say that HJ runs David Martel out of town...(1) they lose a man that is passionate and professional and loves his students! he spends countless hours at that school everyday! he cares about every sport!!! he cares about his community!!! (2)who will they hire? how many coaches do you think are banging down the doors to be let in the house over there??? and if there are some, will they be as passionate as DAVID? or will they be someone who is trying to live out their dreams through high school kids as most of you do on this forum everyday! it is a shame that grown-ups get on this forum to bash other grown-ups, programs, and sometimes even the kids. i hope you know that kids DO READ THIS STUFF. and you know what possibly even the MARTEL children. who are AMAZING kids by the way!!! do they deserve it? maybe some of those basketball players should play football. however, what if basketball is their ticket out of town or on to the next level? i agree that the community support is lacking in the stands, but i think the figures are a little off. you see, i sit in those stands and i know i was surrounded by more than 53 people at the Silsbee game. i think that the editorial was tasteless and so is perpetuating it. i wish this whole post didn't exist! i think DAVID MARTEL IS THE RIGHT PERSON. lastly, i will have you know that HJ leads the area in something FAR more important than any sport...ACADEMICS. you know, the reasons we have schools in the first place! now, that i've let that out... i feel much better!
  5. what i do not understand about this entire post is that the subject line reads something about the new EC asst. coach. to everyone's astonishment (lol) what we have here is another discussion about HJ. you argue, you talk smack, you threaten each other, and what you are failing to realize is that you are all talking about children.  Most of which are good kids.  Some however, have a terrible since of entitlement.   From what I understand if eligibility was based on actual behavior, then some of these CHILDREN you speak of would not even be a part of the program.  Of course, you will all probably blame the teachers and the coaches for this.  instead, i have an idea....STEP UP AS A PARENT or mentor and teach these kids how to become contributing members of society regardless of their basketball future. i wish KENNY HOFFPAUIR (the original subject of this thread) all the best at EC!
  6. i hope that this EC team gives coach a great retirement gift by making it a long way! i played for him in the late 90's.  he was like a second father to me, and i owe him so much. i'm so proud that my name appears on some of those banners right under him and coach john johnson!
  7. hold 'em raiders hold 'em!!!
  8. Definitely Trevor Rainey of Woodville.... I love TITO
  9. Casey Beck is at San Jac. He's the younger of the Beck Boys. The older one, Chad, is at ULL.
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