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Everything posted by ksagrl1

  1. I am not from Orangefield...only listened to the game and followed them through this site all season. As for the "you probably can't figure it out" comment, believe me, I can handle myself just fine. Bottom line is this....you are entitled to your opinion. I just happen to not agree. And, I wonder, just what kind of posts would be on here if the tables were turned. Let's say last year's Lady Mustang team had their season ended just one game shy of the regional tournament on a call like that. Orangefield fans would be CRUCIFIED if they got on here posting the same argument you are holding to now. :
  2. You know I have a real hard time believing that if the same thing had happened between Navasota and your Lady Mustangs that you would be handling it quite as well. Not that you guys had any chance of heading to the regional tournament this year. However, there was a terrible injustice done to the Lady Bobcats in that game and everyone knows it. No one said anything about the Navasota girls. In fact, all the Orangefield fans have handled this with incredible dignity. You can play that we missed a layup here, turned the ball over here crap all day long....bottom line is Orangefield got screwed by a ridiculous official. To have your entire season ended by a cowardly call like that has to be gutwrenching for Ofield players and fans alike. Just give them time to get over it.
  3. This is a perfect example of when an official gets on a power trip and becomes a "part of the game." They should be there to observe and make the calls, but to make such an insane call, with so much on the line, genuinely affected the outcome of the game. I think it's a terrible injustice to a tough as nails Orangefield team. I wonder how those guys will sleep tonight.
  4. tied at 62...heading into overtime now
  5. I agree it is a no-brainer....KK should get it hands down. Give the other two girls other superlatives if you have to....but she deserves the MVP.
  6. I don't think they've played yet....think it's this Saturday.
  7. Who else have they played besides Orangefield?
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