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Law Man

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Law Man last won the day on August 27 2020

Law Man had the most liked content!

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    South Carolina

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  1. Expect your blessings any day now!
  2. On 8/20/2021 at 3:47 PM, Yeojsaid: I was at the scrimmage and the Bruins looked pretty dominate to me. The halftime score would have been 31-7 had this been a game. WB had 400 yards of offense in two quarters. You might want to google the definition of domination. IJS.. That was my point. However, this is the definition of domination.
  3. Did not expect this from the Brook. Started out beating PNG and Memorial at the start of the season.
  4. God turns Night into Day..... There is "NOTHING" too dark in our lives, that God Can't Shine His Light Upon ! He turns our Burdens into "BLESSINGS"! He's A Comforter, Healer, A Promise Keeper..... And He Will Make A Way When We Don't See A Way Out . . . We Have Sooooooo, Many Reasons To Give God Praise ! ! ! CHOOSE ONE ! May God Continue To Shower Down Upon You AggiesAreWe & Your Family. I Pray His Anointing Fall Fresh As The Morning Dew !!! Stay Well & Stay Safe... GOD'S GRACE IS SUFFICIENT . . . HIS MERCY ENDURES "F O R E V E R "!
  5. I hope they keep the momentum and stay healthy. This pandemic is really going in the wrong direction.
  6. Just a scrimmage. Way too early. Teams are still plugging holes. 6a is a is a gauntlet and Westbrook needs more than a PNG or Memorial to match up against the Show and Atascasita. Westbrook is not dominating. Teams have not opened up the play book. It’s all vanilla until district. PNG will fine come district.
  7. God had the answer long before the devil came up with the problem. We must let go of what was... Accept what is.... And Have Faith In What Will Be !!! We can worry or we can Trust God . . . Let us never hesitate to pour out our Hearts to God ! In times of trouble, you will find that Prayer is the shortest route from Our Hearts to God's Ears . . . Our strongest weapon is Patience, and Our Best Security is "FAITH"! So let us Pray... Not until God hears us..... But Until We Listen To God . . . May God's Anointing Continue to Fall Fresh Upon Each of Us. I Pray He Meets Each of Us At Our Needs, & May His Glory Forever "RISE" ! ! ! Bless Now Lord As Only You Can..... Hear Our Prayers & Grant Us Thy Peace....... These & All Things I Humbly Ask & Pray... In Jesus' Name..... AMEN & AMEN ! Bid Farewell To Your Troubles, As You Let God ""HELLO"" Your World !!! Have A Safe, Blessed, & Worry Free day Gnd GRACE IS SUFFICIENT AND HIS MERCIES ENDURE ""FOR E V E R "" !!!
  8. Congrats! I will bow out on December 31, 2021. 25 years 2 months Federal and 3 years S.O.
  9. Why so many mass killings? This one by a 19 year old. Is it the video games? So much hatred in the world today.
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. It is because of Gods grace and mercy that you and I are still here above ground amongst the living. N95 mask in fact do protect you.
  12. It’s no different than asking drivers to wear a seat belt. We know it saves lives but you still have those who refuse to obey these clown rules.
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