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Everything posted by Mytwocents3788

  1. I’ll be honest I’m not too sure but I’m sure he’s lurking around every now and then lol.
  2. Us OG’s are still here lol. Just sitting back and watching a little more than usual lol.
  3. I know one this for sure, I’m gonna have to bring some ear plugs to block out that insanely annoying song! Lol
  4. Alright 14.2 I’ll bite. I’ll give you that. You are without a doubt a straight shooter who lays it out with no feelings regarded. Some people take it to heart but I’m used to you. The phrase you used “this is the worst vidor team we have played” could be viewed as you calling this vidor team bad. But you compared this team to some real good ones. So I’ll ask you straight up. How do you see vidor matching up for this season. I’d say give it to me straight but you always do. Nice to see you haven’t changed much though lol.
  5. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 best comment or this thread so far!!!!! Love it Hagar!
  6. Hot crow! Get your hot crow! I got hot sauce, beer, salt and pepper, and tequila. French fries and chips for the side with a MANDATORY side helping of shame tossed in with every box. Come get it while it’s hot!
  7. Yeah boneyard. Thanks for the updates!!!
  8. Lol I’d love to wager on that statement with you.
  9. What????? You can’t say something like that boneyard lol.
  10. Gotta love reading the predictions thread and then coming to this. Even if vidor loses there is definitely some crow that needs to be issued lol.
  11. Looks like that turf is working out just fine......
  12. You got the dates wrong lol. Friday is the 21st not Saturday lol. Great job though grad!!!! Just wanted to let you know lol.
  13. Thank god. Boy that was a bit nerve wracking lol.
  14. Was dangerfield ranked at all???
  15. Best comment ever!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Soulja, I think I speak for everyone when I say you sir are not part of the crowd that most people are referring to.
  17. We really gonna bring that back up?!?!? Lol
  18. No they wouldn’t. Do you disagree???
  19. Wow y’all. Seriously??? How about we fix our broken leg (defense) and worry about the paper cut (offense) afterwards. Our offense is doing just fine. Yeah it could be better but how about we focus on what’s causing us to lose these games aka defense. And this is not me saying anything about those kids. But we need a better defense. Period! This offense has created quite a few great things in the past 10 years or so. How about bringing us our first playoff win in 50 years like it did in 11. How about bringing us 3 rounds deep which is the deepest we’ve gone since 50 years before that. How about it brought us our first tri district championship in idk how long.
  20. Fought back!!!!!! That’s the spirit pirates!!!
  21. This is where conditioning comes into play. Time to see how bad lee wants it.
  22. Go pirates!!!!!!!!
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