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  1. Only politics in this deal is local
  2. After parents notified local PD and nothing was done there...the FBI came to town
  3. The lawsuit says the video was taken in 2016 and the parents didn’t find out about it until 2017. Sometime around Feb 17 it says they went to the school and notified them of video and it being watched and spread at school. School gave parents the run around and said for parents to talk to police if they wanted to. School supposedly looked into it. Principal and superintendent talked to Suratt who talked to be QB who took the video and then told the parents that it was a he said she said situation...nothing they could do.
  4. Maybe it wasn't just football. Overall to pretend that football/sports had nothing to do with it is naive. What would have happened if the young lady was Surratt's daughter and some random boy? Action would be taken right?
  5. This statement perfectly sums up everything "It's a bad situation where alot of the people in power at Carthage hoped it would disappear and it didnt."
  6. Who was QB last year when Carthage won the Championship? The year Surratt found out about the video? You are hung up on when the video was recorded. The cover-up happened later
  7. Agree. How can any other way be fair? If it wasn't the championship QB and the brilliant head coach on their 6th? championship then the girl that was victimized repeatedly, and i guess is victimized to this day because carthage still denies anything happened, would have been supported. Suit says school counselor never even spoke to her??? Entire school passing this video around including coaches and counselor can't help young lady bc might hurt Football. Sorry. There's more to life
  8. If the head of the debate team recorded it...he'd be in jail. For some reason the QB that did was basically untouched. Everyone needs to remember there is a victim in all of this. Supposedly the school never even reached out to help or support her. Guessing, but doing that would open them up to liability. So cover-up. Another football championship. And a victim that isn't worth protecting?
  9. You realize the difference between when the video was taken 2016...and when school was made aware 2017? This has everything to do with football. School covered everything up in 2017. Why? Who was QB in 2017?
  10. The suit says that Homeland Security had to come to town because the local PD sat on it. By the way, Coach Surratt's secretary just happens to be the local Chief of Police's wife. Imagine that. The Feds scanned phones and found evidence of video and widespread distribution. Local DA did nothing until the State gave them a deadline to take action. When they finally took action this year...a year after being notified, they supposedly gave the kid pre-trial diversion. The purpose for that was they had to do something, so did the absolute minimum. Also, this kept everything under wraps which was supposed to keep Carthage High from taking any responsibility in the matter and to escape detection that they possibly broke the law by not notifying police themselves, completely failed to protect one of their students so they could protect their Quarterback, head coach Surratt, the Principal, and the School Superintendent. If you don't think this was corrupt, well, you'd fit right in on the Carthage coaching staff
  11. If the 100+ points listed in the suit are even close to accurate then Surratt did risk his rep. The fact is that the video was spread around on campus, viewed on campus, and supposedly one of the coaches actually shared the video himself. The principal, superintendent, and head coach Surratt were notified about the video. All of this happened last year, the school becoming aware of the video and sharing, when the QB was the varsity QB and they were on their way to the Championship They tried to sweep it under the rug. There's a law in Texas that a person in authority at school must notify police when they are aware of a possible crime. Carthage High didn't do that. In the suit it said the parent was told it was a he said/she said situation and nothing could be done. That right there shows they didn't follow proper procedures...possibly breaking the law by not going to police. They told the parent to go to police herself the suit says. So, QB brings video on campus and spreads it around to other students, a coach spreads it himself, and the Principal, head coach Surratt, and the Superintendent knew about all of these accusations and supposedly didn't punish anyone at the same time not taking any action to help the victim...yeah, Surratt risked his rep We'll see if his gamble was worth it
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