I originally posted this to the Orangefield Bobcats message board this morning. It includes a letter sent to the directors of the Texas Association of Sports Officials and to the UIL. I have received one reply from Doug Williams who is the Secretary of the College Station Chapter. He said Thank You.
Can't shake this off. I keep reliving the last few minutes of the game. Part of me says "oh well, gotta move on, some things just ain't right, that is life". Another part says "wait just a darn minute, somebodys got do something." Well sad fact of the matter is all we can do is raise awareness by keeping the issue in front of the appropriate folks and demanding they do their jobs. Fortunately there are no government agencies to turn to in situations like this. This is still a "of the people" organization. That means the people at the top of the Texas Association of Sports Officials are likely Moms and Dads like the rest of us who have watched and supported their childrens efforts in sports. They understand the pressure of competition will add much character to their childrens lives. They've witnessed the emotional swings of wins and losses and hopefully be able to feel the pain we are feeling now.
Before I share the letter I sent, I do want to say that I am very proud of our lady cats. I am proud of our coaches. I am grateful that my daughter has been exposed to and been a part of a wonderful team of winners.
The message below was sent to all the e-mail addresses you fellows supplied. I'll share responses.
A terrible wrong was committed Tuesday night against the Orangefield Varsity Girls Basketball Team, against the coaches, against parents and entire fan base.
One official was able to affect the outcome of this game. That's not suppose to happen. We know it can and it does and is very difficult situation to deal with, all of which I am sure you are much more familiar with than myself. But to allow this to pass without an attempt at correcting the problem is more than I can take. I tried to put together something you may be able to work with.
Your Texas Association of Sports Officials(TASO) Standards of Conduct and Code of Ethics clearly covers the issue since several of your conduct guidelines and ethics codes were violated.
Listed below are the applicable codes. These are your codes I witnessed the College Station Chapter referee violate and below that are my comments.
From your Website:
I. Standards of Conduct
A. Each member of the TASO must avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by this code, which might result in or create the appearance of
5. Affecting adversely the confidence of the public, schools, and
universities in the integrity of theTASO.
II. Code of Ethical Conduct
A. Each member of the TASO shall
1. Put loyalty to the highest moral principals and to the TASO above loyalty to persons or individual gains.
3. Never discriminate unfairly by the dispensing of special favors or privileges to anyone, whether for renumeration or not, and never accept, for self or family, favors or benefits under circumstances which might be construed by reasonable persons as influencing the performance of TASO duties.
7. Uphold these principles ever conscience that membership is a basis of human trust.
III. Code of Ethics
J. Every official shall seek to possess and demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the letter and intent of the playing rules and officiating mechanics.
My thoughts:
I. A. 5. above, He hurt the reputation of your organization.
II.A.1. I would question his loyalties.
II.A.3. Everyone at the game witnessed unfair discrimination and the dispensing of special favors or privileges. An illegal technical foul after the timer is a special favor. Then adding a second to the clock to back it up is another. Discrimination, against Orangefield, yes.
II.A.7. He broke the human trust issue. He does not deserve to ever officiate children again.
III.J. He became involved in the outcome of the game and did what he could to allow the game to go into overtime.
Orangefield stayed behind most of the game so his intentions did not become as obvious and apparent until we made an unexpected come-back in the last minute of the
game. At that point it became clear we could win. After a 3 point foul called by the other official at the buzzer he became desperate. That foul call brought fans from the Navasota stands onto the court. No technicals for that. Our girl made all 3 foul shots putting us ahead. He put a second on the clock just before she shot. Then imediately after she won the game he calls the technical against our bench.
The game was over when a technical was called against our bench. The clock had run out as our player was fouled attempting to take a 3 point shot. He added a second to keep the game going but all he could do was call a technical against the bench for jumping up and stepping onto the court maybe a few feet when they thought we won the game.
He simply rigged the end of the game to favor overtime play. It was very clear to everyone in the gym.
You need to do the right thing and make sure this fellow never represents your association again. He hurt us, our kids, our school and he hurt you. Please, get a tape of the game, read the e-mails, ask the questions and get this guy out of the system. I'd like a response please.