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softball mooch

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Everything posted by softball mooch

  1. well said Biggofan...well said....now go out there tonight and kick a little butt......gooooooo Lady Horns....
  2. WOW sorry but i still think this goes back to NOT being prepared...when a coach knows BEFORE season and knows the schedule and does not prepare a head of time.....that is not coaching smart....thought your STAR PITCHER was suppose to be the LEADER.....sorry i think it is the coaching...but it will be all better when everyone is back cause the LEADER will just fall into place like nothing every happened.....that my friends is small town politics at its best....plain and simple...keep workin hard Lady Horns......good luck and keep those heads up no matter what is thrown at you
  3. people are not realizing HF does have other pitchers other than Shannon...yeah Shannon is a Awesome pitcher/batter but knowing you would not have her at the BEGINNING of season and KNOWING what was coming your way during spring break wouldnt you have turned up the heat on your other pitcher..come on Kendall was put on Varsity as a back up pitcher why not get her on mount experience BEFORE and Tiff was put on Varsity this week to back up also...come on Tiff was back up for Amber last year...yeah she had a injury but has bounced back pretty well......if you have 3 strong pitchers who have been in the hot box in select ball(((yeah i know school coaches dont like that either....but facts are facts))and are use to the heat why not utilize them in high school play...hello they have played against Houston teams before and i think those teams are higher on the list than Bridge City/WOS/HF or anyone around here..the Sains are not here deal with it and let other girls step up but without praticing them they TOGETHER it is kinda of hard
  4. ??? ???in ALL sports, coaches never cease to amaze me...they rely on one or two people to carry a whole team and when these one or two people are missing the team seems to fall apart....people seem to forget the fact is there is no "i" in team or "we" in team it should be US..... coaches should prepare for when those one/two people are not going to be there to prepare the TEAM for changes so they are prepared for anything..that is preparing your team for whatever is thrown at them...lets ralley back Lady Horns and turn this team around with the ones that we have...
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