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Everything posted by ST413

  1. Less than 4 minutes I believe
  2. Where are you seeing this?
  3. Counting Wagners it shows 8 as well.
  4. Saw 13-12 from the play by play the Tigers have been called for 8 fouls in the first.
  5. Do you have to have a membership?
  6. I saw on the John Kirby facebook page someone said they r going to try but I am not sure where.
  7. If his eligibility is still up in the air, how come he isn't playing jv to be ready for possibly being declared eligible?
  8. I don't know any were but doing the mannequin challenge and standing still like that, I am sure they are aware.
  9. That camera isn't installed and the players were aware of the camera and its recording. Two differences in the situations.
  10. In the field houses I have been in the coaches could be in their office and someone enter and get access to locker rooms and other areas without them even knowing.
  11. Have you been in a locker room. Even if they aren't showering, you have to totally undress to put on a jock strap. Even at that, especially if it's illegal, a camera shouldn't be in a locker room. All juveniles should be protected completely! Sure girls may be more vulnerable but in all these student/teacher inappropriate relationships that you hear of it seems like more boys are involved. And anyone's privacy in a locker room/ changing area should be as well. Now do I think the Coach had any alterior motives, no but I will say this I recently discovered someone ,that I never in my life would have thought, is a registered sex offender.
  12. I am a parent of one child a female, but I don't feel that should be true at all. Granted I want maximum care for my daughter but I feel that should be the case far any juvenile.
  13. I have skimmed the last several pages of this thread. One comment was that the theft was more or less being overlooked with the focus just on the coaches actions. I applaud him for taking matters into his own hands since the administration wouldn't do anything. And if the crook was connected I can see him wanting actual photos. Now if his cameras were illegal being in the locker room, then he is just as guilty of a crime as the crook so neither should get a pass. And even if these cameras weren't illegal he should have been prepared for backlash just based on parents and kids knowing cameras were there where they could be photographed nude, whether they were on or not.
  14. Not sure I can remember one. But definitely not all of them. Would not have come down to the last possession with points after a few more of those.
  15. Did he play in the jv game, I either didn't see him or didn't recognize him.
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