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Everything posted by ST413

  1. Hate to hear that, best wishes to him for a good speedy recovery.
  2. Yeah that's exactly what I read...........
  3. As far as Nash and Lazeek, with all these rumors and reasons, they are too close to the hj situation to want to answer questions and create any impression that could have a negative impact.
  4. This statement alone makes this a transfer for athletic reasons.......
  5. I would be surprised myself but have seen on one occasion a statement that he was coming back home to graduate.
  6. Exactly, I do know it as Calvin that I heard the rumor about.
  7. Is Tyler a PG, could have heard the same rumor.
  8. Remember Kalon is just a sophomore...he has a couple more years to get there.
  9. I have heard rumors of Tyler if it's the same one returning home. However like I said it's just a rumor so far.
  10. I haven't heard any confirmation on a 10th game.
  11. I haven't heard that we filled our extra spot yet either!
  12. I agree with your statement about the academics. It's not the grass itself that's really the embarrassment but the condition of the field. If the grass field was able to be kept in good physical condition,. I would really have no problem with it but that hasn't been the case for several years.
  13. It's a shame we don have turf!! About an embarrassment with such a nice stadium.
  14. I wonder how many teams are still left with only 9 games because of Livingston's "mistake"?
  15. I am sure he will be one of the two receivers.
  16. We have one of those ourselves, as a matter of fact your track team, just got real familiar with the son of one of the main members of that state champion track team. Who also did a great job on the football field and basketball court this year.
  17. Going to be some tough healing going on in the community. I am sure there is lots going to come out of this. After just seeing the WB bus accident 10 year anniversary it makes it hard to want to ever put a child on a bus.
  18. I think at least in a case or two it's the parents who want the move.
  19. Have been told 4 students life fighted to ST. E and around 15 or 16 sent to Jasper er. Bus rolled twice and of course no seat belts. Prayers going up.
  20. Bush has stated he will be a Tiger, have not had a confirmation from Jones....yet.
  21. We won't argue WITH you especially since you don't even know that WOS has 3 state titles in football. No need to argue WITH someone who can't get his own facts straight!
  22. I have heard from multiple sources that Parquet and Bernard and even Zane are supposed to be leaving. More on the first 2 though.
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