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Everything posted by ST413

  1. Wow! I am at a loss for words! Prayers to his family
  2. 2 weeks?? They had just won a playoff game a few days prior…
  3. Like I said they won band and were runners up in cheerleading!
  4. Is there a list somewhere of the 2021 State Champions on the uil site or anywhere else or do you have to look up each activity/ sport individually. I know Argyle won football and basketball, band and girls golf. They also have a 16 stroke lead going into the final day of boys golf and both their softball and baseball teams are still playing. And i believe i saw where they won the team track title as well.
  5. Pulled up last nights by mistake and it was working but not getting this one to play.
  6. Prayers to All!
  7. Saw it on the live stats before the broadcast!! Way to go United!!
  8. No we got beat. We had a bad night shooting and it cost us.
  9. I am not complaining all i said is there is a few things i would have questioned. Were there some calls i felt were missed of course there always are. One of the ones i would have questioned had no effect other than possibly adding one foul to that 5 and i guess possibly putting a player in a little foul trouble but i dont know if he even had any. And i wont make any more comments other than to say what i was told ,and it had nothing to do with Huffman itself, would put more questions there.
  10. Argyle vs Huffman in the state finals Argyle won 43-39
  11. Ok that was corrected to argyle ball and they are at the line
  12. Faith family ball 6.8 secs left same score
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