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Everything posted by ST413

  1. 43-41 Tigers 3:07 left in third
  2. Tigers up 38-37 after a Martin 3
  3. At the half Tigers trail 32-31
  4. Bush for 3 to open the second.
  5. After one HF leads 15-13
  6. And with 4 teams making the playoffs and some of the 5 team districts.....some of these schools with rich histories like Silsbee or Hj etc. may take a long time to research when they missed the playoffs.
  7. Dare i say that, if that is true, it could be construed as a way of attempting to build a team.....
  8. Hmmm...are those Yates peeps school district employees??
  9. One thing about Coach Sigler, he is going to do his homework. No matter what Anyone thinks the odds Are he won’t throw in the towel.
  10. And if something like my idea was used, then i am sure these big multi school cities would even out the distribution a little more among schools, making them all large schools. Of course then you would have someone try to create a mega school.
  11. It is the best in theory I will agree but until they can stop these big cities from building super teams it’s not the fairest system....
  12. If you also read I said this was more tongue in cheek, but the teams that would be more uneven would be the ones at the top not the ones with the populations of a few thousand facing the ones with population of up to 2.3 million. Really there is no solution that would work or be completely fair to all since some would find ways to work the loopholes.
  13. Thats the idea.....some of these schools pull from all parts of town so..........
  14. Of course it wouldnt work was really more tongue in cheek than a valid suggestion. However it would be a lot more fair for schools in towns of 2000 to be competing even with different size schools than school in a town of say 6500 competing against schools in towns of say 1.3 or 2.3 million. At least in most cases.
  15. Thats the risk any time you play a game. And i know of situations where there have been non district games and certainly tournaments played during the district seasons. Is this a good solution, no because of the playoffs overlappind the oncoming seasons as well as other issues but it would be one way to curb the long trips during the week. Maybe the district could place the long distance games on friday but odds are that would be a nightmare as well..
  16. Heres a thought, How about we just stop classifying by number of students in the school and classify based on the population of the town or towns the school is located in.
  17. So why don’t they schedule district games like I notice college baseball does on the Friday or Saturday and play a nondistrict on tuesday just start the district season a lot earlier in the year? Of course you would run into the players playing in the football playoff problem.
  18. That was already done....thing is like has been said it comes down to two things1) money for the uil. 2) and travel for teams playing two rounds in district. Quit honestly there are too many teams making the playoffs when that number gets remotely close to 80%. Don’t know if any way it would work out logistically but you need districts with Fairly even numbers of teams then you could base the number of playoff teams on that.
  19. Yeah i would hope somewhere in the middle.
  20. Like to hear how they are going to take care of or schedule this one!
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