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Everything posted by ST413

  1. Defense is the question mark. Those high rankings may be legit at the end of the season but i will wonder if we look like that early in the year. Like the old saying goes “defense wins championships”. Hope it gets there quickly and keeps getting better.
  2. I know of no one of that size but if there is he may equal their athleticism but he won’t equal their basketball ability or other intangibles. Well maybe I shouldn’t say he won’t but it’s highly unlikely.
  3. This is a tuff question for me. And the big part that makes it that way is the way the qb positioning has evolved through the years. My view of a qb was that of a passer growing up now its more of the dual threat. Now i have to base my opinion really on the last 15 years or so as i dont really remember much farther back than that as far as standout qbs. And if you base it on that dual threat, I think you have to say Dontre was the best. He put up the numbers through the air and on the ground above anyone else. Now if you were going to look for that qb that could break it open at any time with his feet, it had to be Johnson just based on his speed. I still remember watching him split two safetys in a playoff game and make them look l8ke they were wearing leg cuffs chasing him down the field.
  4. You will be missed! Heart felt prayers for family and all those close to the coach!
  5. Will definitely be praying. Get well soon!!
  6. Based solely on our place in district and the fact that we havent had the results that we like, i would think we would want one game where anything can happen. However, i havent kept close tabs on either team this year. Huffman could have that one unbeatable pitcher that we would get in that case, so i will leave it up to the coaches to devide whats best.
  7. Totally agree. I never said or thought it would make up for it but i do think he deserved to suffer as close too or more than his victim did.
  8. How will the tie be broken if there is a tie for third?
  9. I think that he got the easy way out. In my mind if you murder someone in a barbaric way, you should face that same death. My only problem with that would be that the victims family may relive their loved ones experience through the killers death.
  10. Thats all i could give you here in Silsbee as well. Didnt see them allbut Darrel McArthur still has to be listed as the best.
  11. Pivot????? Po boy.......
  12. Tried it today and it is great!!!! Still love me a Juliens shrimp pivot but this one ranks higher overall!!
  13. Tried it today and is as good as advertised!!!
  14. After watching that final, i had the same feeling. Would not have been easy but think that team at home still would have come out on top.
  15. Yes but you can also give the other team the same shot is what i am getting at.
  16. True. You cant argue with their success. One thing i have always felt is that style also leads to closer games with teams that you may be better than as well, leaving the possibility of a defeat. I guess what i am saying is they arent normally going to run away from good teams and get a big lead. Whereas a team that plays like we do does just that many times. The question is of course which suits your team better and which style do you have more confidence in.
  17. I think many of us have stated pretty much the same views over the past several years. Even though my Tigers have been the standard the last few years, I still have fealt that overall a school such as Silsbee having to compete with some of these big city “small” schools is not quite an equal playing field.
  18. Several of those players that didnt get much time this weekend did get good minutes in many games during the season and in good games not just lopsided ones. Even with that though you are correct it will be a tough road to get to SA next year. You dont lose players of that caliber and who make up all your size and just jump right back to the top.
  19. Well i know a team that three years ago started 2 freshmen and came within 3 points of that state title so i think it is very possible.....
  20. Only thing I see wrong with this is that last years team wasn’t really deep either. We only played 7 maybe 8 in those big playoff games. This year was supposed to be a little deeper, but it didn’t materialize in Huntsville. I felt like we would have gone at least 8 or 9 deep and possibly 1 or 2 more.
  21. Are you forgetting Bush, he will be there before football...
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