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Everything posted by ST413

  1. 71-69 Tigers ball 1:23 left
  2. 71-67 United 1:55 left
  3. Tigers have had 4 fts made 1 trail 68-67
  4. 66-65 BU 3:35 left
  5. United takes its first lead 66-64
  6. Tied game 64-64 3:56 left United at the line.
  7. 56-49 Tigers 29 secs left in third
  8. Green pretty animated with every 3 Bush hits
  9. Bush is lighting it up 52-43 Tigers.
  10. 43-36 Tigers 5:50 in third
  11. Tigers up 36- 31 At the half
  12. 31-26 Tigers 2:33 left in half
  13. Tigers up 16-14 after 1
  14. 12-9 BU will be a good win for the Tigers if they can pull it out. United has depth and length.
  15. United has 16 players suited. Tigers have 11.
  16. I hope so it’s packed in here.
  17. They also had just solidly beaten a smithville team tha giddings only beat by 9.
  18. Does he not want to play there because Jasper already did??
  19. Defense played lights out really giving only one TD. The other one a direct result of giving them the ball on our 9.
  20. I figured this one would end up in beaumont. Easy choice to me. Now if my Tigers win and end up facing Jasper, that one could end up in Amarillo by the time the two schools reach An agreement!!
  21. Yes i know..
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