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Everything posted by baseball_1989

  1. This is not true. Although it would help huffman out a lot, its not true... this came from a very good source too. :-\
  2. Parker from splendora threw a heck of a game!
  3. yeah no joke haha. he will be playing at galveston juco next year!
  4. Heath Arnold broke his ankle when he stole home against BH, which was eventually the winning run.
  5. close one with listi on the mound. too bad arnold is out, bc huffman would have taken the series!
  6. was this 21 k game a perfect one?
  7. I agree... but yall definitely have the talent to go very deep in the play-offs! good luck to yall!
  8. we had a blast competing with central tonight!
  9. to answer your question about the freshman... his name is tyler erikson, and hes really helped the varsity team out this year. he usually plays one game on jv and the other on varsity every week.
  10. there yall go again. we practice our asses off, it just doesnt work out in the games. we have talked about it at practice. why dont you get YOUR happy a** to one of our practices and see how HARD we work and that we do RESPECT our coach. now yall wont have a negative thing to say about lumberton. maybe our talent is down right now ... but quit singling one year of guys out. everyone enjoys playing with each other, things just arent going our way this year. go ahead and post how crazy we are and whatnot, but in reality the lumberton raiders know that we work hard!
  11. first of all.. im not saying the seniors make the team.. im taking up for them. the guy said that NONE of the seniors can even catch a pop-up! come on now, you'd take up for your self too. good lord! i never said anything about the seniors make the team etc. take a chill pill!
  12. you're right, i am a seinor. cant blame me for taking up for the seniors. the guy a couple of posts back said that we suck. im just letting him know that the seniors were the ones with the hits
  13. just to let you know.. lumbertons 3 of 3 or maybe 4 hits... came from ALL seniors friday against lcm...
  14. why do you assume its the parents? obviously it WASNT the PARENTS last year if you know anything about our past coach.. We are probably doing so bad because this is our third coach in three years. you cant have any chemistry with each other if the coach dont stay. we are blessed to have reyenga as our coach, it will just take some time for everyone to play as a whole.
  15. Arnold has plenty of experience!
  16. i hope ozen comes back for the win!
  17. tarkington's getting over looked.. they did beat dayton, and eventually won the tournament they were in...
  18. I'd take BC over west brook ANY day...
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