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The1 and only

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Everything posted by The1 and only

  1. [quote name="Abraham" post="969170" timestamp="1298177791"] I say pirates-6 SP-3 .... Sabine Pass doesn't really have any good sticks. [/quote] how can u say that? that statement isn/t even close to true
  2. well goin back to what the quote was askin sp-cruthirds an trevino eva- nichols tucker franklin bs- the younger pitcher
  3. it seems to me like every post that has anything to do with 1a gets turned into a discussion having to do with evadale
  4. Blue I am #23. An Sabine will play with Evadale at their place. Have u ever noticed how Sabine plays Evadale in the first game in district in every sport. Football basketball and baseball. u can ask around but  usually it's the best match up in the district an the funnest games to watch. Heck even in football it was fun watchin us play. U could tell we were playin for the love of the game on both sides of the field even tho Sabine didn't have that great of odds goin for em  
  5. This was a great game. #23 blew the game tying freethrows with 6 seconds left.  Hard fought game an the sharks were up at the half. The sharks can play with anyone in district
  6. First off Id like to applaud the rebels and the sharks on a well played game. The score does not reflect how the game was played. The sharks were never out of it until the fourth quarter, it seemed at one point  that the air was knocked out of them an they couldn't regroup after that, but I think this is the most that they have played TOGETHER since the start of the season.  #3 Murphy I beleive is his name put his foot on the sharks throat an never let off. I beleive that a friendly rivalry is evolving between these two teams. Hard fought game but the Rebs came out on top. Looking forward to meeting them again at their place. Should be a fun district to watch. 
  7. Well it's gunna be telivised by a certain film company but not sure of the name. That's y it's at 12
  8. Sharks with a win last week looking to come out an make it 2. I say Sharks, for a homecoming victory.  Comments
  9. Legacy at SP for the sharks homecoming. This Saturday at 12 noon. Come support the sharks at the tank.
  10. It was a great game. The sharks pulled it together to get the first W Of the season
  11. Sabine pass takes a hard loss 12 to 1 in 6. West Sabine rolled early an never looked back. Sabine pass got blown out the water and couldn't come back. Let's see if we cancome out with a better showing tommorow at 430.
  12. West Sabine Vs Sabine Pass at 630 at kirbyville highschool. Bi-district playoff game Comments  
  13. SP had 31 come out at the beginning of the season but now only has 16 that could tough it out to play sabinepass ball. they have 9 players that get alot of playing time cause that is all you need to win a ball game.  Their defense is in my opinion the best in district. The key to SP winning the series will be their bats which have had its ups an downs all season long. lets see who comes to play
  14. wow a lil heated huh. i hate the rebels on one hand but love em on the other. its always a good head to head match up with us so im jus gunna say rep the district right rebels an maybe we can c yall down the road go sharks
  15. i guess we will c come thursday night  ;D
  16. Anyone know anything about west Sabine? I seen them at the Evadale tourney but didn't get to watch any of their games
  17. West Sabine vs Sabine Pass comments  ;D
  18. 1st inning 0 0 2nd Inning BS goes up by 4 sabine pass had no answer 3rd inning Sp defends for a 3 up 3 down stand- Hunter cruthirds hit a 2 run homerun over evadles green monster to make it a 2 run game and start a 2 out rally sharks score drew carlos off of a pass ball. BS 4 SP 3 4th three up three down both sides 5th Sp three up three down again sp! Sp hits but no runs are scored 6th Matt Trevino forces anoth 3 outs in order. BS pitcher feels the pressure but turns on the heat in the late innings. 7th Bs rallies to score 2 insurance runs. SP 8,9,1 up with the score 6 to 3. walk for 8,9. Adam burgin the #1 hitter gets set down after workin the count. Matt Trevinow #2 gets on base with a walk. Bases Loaded with 1 out and #8 Cruthirds comes up to the plate! Flyout to second. 2 outs Drew Carlos for do or die. sp loses 6 to 3 in a well played 1a showdown. Good luck 24 1a Go sharks
  19. Hunter Cruthirds  from Sabine Pass has 3 now that he hit a 2 run shot over evadales gren monster aginst big sandy
  20. Props to Franklin. Lil physical play might get the pumped a lil bit. Mighta been that lil extra spark the rebels could use. Good luck rebels into the playoffs. Rep lure district well. Go sharks
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