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Everything posted by wosgrad-84

  1. I think dayton has a good shot at one of the playoff spots, but there's still so much to be seen how teams do. depending on how dayton fairs against west orange will be a very big tale on how they should do this year in this district. If they should beat west orange I give dayton a very good shot to place second or first in district if they lose to west orange then i feel that they will have an uphill battle to make the playoffs. Just my opinion. 8)
  2. I think wharton wins this one. mainly because I feel It will take bh a couple of games to get there heads on straight. wharton from what I hear should be very competitive. bh needs to put on there work boots if they are to do well in 4A.
  3. this is a great subject. I quess for me its mostly a pride thing. I am so proud to be a WEST ORANGE-STARK MUSTANG fan and friday night football gives me an outlet to show it. also I love the fellowship with all the other mustang fans. but I gotta say I have been to many other high school football games around the state and country and have lots of fun at those games also. It's the anticipation of scoring or the defensive stops and hits that get my blood flowing. Football day I just cant wait for kickoff. Not being a football player myself I can just amagine the joy it must be to be on the field. Of course being from wos we are kind of spoiled and nothing feels better than a win. I guess all and all friday nights lights make me feel alive with a very healthy dose of competitive spirit, so when we win I'm happy and when we lose Im sad. :wink: lucky for me being from WEST ORANGE-STARK means not being sad very often.
  4. I'm thinking nederland takes this one in a tough contest.
  5. sorry about that but theres only so much you can do with "CROW".
  6. EAGLETOWN I just wanted to say you are the best of all your crownies. At least you had the guts to come get your crow. I hope you like the gumbo. The good thing is nobody got hurt and we all got our football fix we have been waiting for. Good luck this year. P.S. MAN IT WAS FUN WATCHING OUR BOYS STOMP YALL!
  7. Man I'v heard of being kind but close. wake up scooter the only thing that will be close is the touchdowns that wos will be making.
  8. wos should win this one. I believe the defense will be top notch for wos and should be the edge. wos by two touchdowns.
  9. so thats where we get to beat dayton at. very nice. always nice to win at such a nice place. 8)
  10. Nice topic. I think wos vs. brenham would be a good match up. Also would like to see wos vs. lamarque.
  11. shirley martin didnt stand a chance against me, gostangs, and kicker. we made sure the board heard from the real community that cared, not just someone from a grocery store. I really enjoyed the part where she kept saying she didnt have anything against coach hooks that it was just how it was done. "Its not the who or why its the how". what a moron. a few minutes later another board member point out that if she checked the minutes from the last meeting she specifically spoke of non-tax payer and not living within the district. talk about open mouth and inserting foot. Kicker that was an example of the lesson i told you my dad taught me. better to let them think your a moron than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Congrats to coach hooks for this is a great honor that he deserves.
  12. i grew up just a couple of blocks from DAN R. HOOKS stadium and if i recall right chemical row smells all year round. You know football season is in full swing when you start to smell the turkey legs on the grill. HMMM HMMM Good
  13. I sent mine and hope all that visit this site to do so also. Please dont take for granted that you dont need to because you think everyone else is doing so, for that is how shirley martin got to where she is today. when you dont vote because you think the good ones will get elected that is how the bad ones get in. Please raise your voices and be heard or dont be mad when you dont and see the right outcome because you said nothing.
  14. game to be aired on time warner cable fox sports tuesday 8-1 form 7:30-10:30. got my dvr set to record it already.
  15. wow bark, very impressive. you seem very hmmm OBESSIVE :shock: Hope your not getting ready for an invasion or something. just poking fun of course.
  16. thanks i just got off the phone with one of the trustees and found out all i need to do. best to get there about 5:30 or so as they expect a big crowd. you must sign in and check the box that lets them know you would like to make a comment. I will not be arguing with anyone just voicing my comments in favor of the renaming. I would hope to see a lot of supporters of the renaming at this meeting as they will be taking a vote. I would appreciate any comments you would like me to bring to light at the meeting. just pm me or make a post.
  17. are there any procedures on being able to speak at the meeting and if so please post the or pm me. or better yet i think i have a few contacts and ill find out.
  18. where do they meet?
  19. yeah read that on kfdm web site this morning. how long has shirley been on the board and when is she up for re-election?
  20. looks like a good match up but i still have to give lamarque the edge. not much of an edge though. 3 points i think. but the dogs do have all the things they need to beat what normally is a very good lamarque team.
  21. i still remember when wos beat bcp 77 - 0 on bcp's homecoming. was 83 or 84 not sure of year.
  22. lookout kicker your talking about me too. dont let me have to go see your dad.
  23. now thats what happens when you mix insane speed with insane talent. man he was sure impresive. weslaco is between mcallen and brownsville.
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