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Everything posted by sportsfreak2008

  1. Well since everyone else is sharing their thoughts on Moody, I figured I would give mine. I feel what it boils down to is Moody is not from here. He doesn't know southeast Texas football nor does he know how much football means to LCM fans. He is an outsider and the LCM school board should have never hired an outsider. There were plenty of qualified candidates from this area that could have brought some pride back to LCM football. I seriously don't think Moody knows how to lead those boys and/or how to be an effective athletic director. Bottom line is he needs to go before every player quits and every good coach left leaves. My hearts go out to the kids though who have to suffer from all of this, especially the seniors. I will continue to go to the games to support the kids, because they are what its all about.
  2. Seems that you know alot about what goes on in the admin office stangchain. If my memory serves me correct those that are in charge should put others in charge that DO know what they are doing. If they care so much about academics and not so much about athletics then they need to make changes by getting rid of those people. Excuses won't be acceptable when TEA steps in and make those changes.
  3. I will have to say I agree with students living in the WOS school district and attending LCM. However, I do know that LCM checks where students live, but when a parent, grandparent or guardian comes to the school and says they live with another relative who lives in the LCM district there is not much you can do. There are many ways to get around it, more than people think. WOS has to change their thinking from total athletics to more academics. That change will be made whether it is by the people in charge or by the state.
  4. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Hallman have more experience that Rojas? That's another thing that makes this topic so interesting. Any way, I guess what is done is done, in the hiring part of it. I just hope Rojas does know as much as everyone says he does and not just the game of baseball. It takes a lot to manage a team, which is more that hitting lessons and calling pitches.
  5. He got the job because he did well while finishing the season for the coach that left. He got the job because of Jessie Riojas. Believe what you want....he got the job because of the people he knew. There were two coaches who finished the season, not just him. Also they didn't do that well so what kind of creditability would that give to make him a good enough coach to be the head man in charge?
  6. Maybe Hooks should be interviewed to clear this up. I don't exactly remember hearing the job was ever posted. That is why I think there is something stinking in the ole' mustang coaches office. Just a thought?????
  7. I think this wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe it would take some of the politics out of schools. Teachers and coaches alike don't get jobs because they are good teachers or coaches, it is all in who you know. This is unfortunate for the kids. We need quality teachers and coaches, who do their job for the kids. However, there are schools boards out there that keep the comments from the general public out of their minds and keep the kids interest at heart when making hiring decisions.
  8. Well, I agree with you. Hallman would have been a great fit for the job and a likely choice since I believe he has more experience than Rojas. I had also heard that Micheal Thompson was a possible choice, who would have also been a great choice. I have feeling that some major behind kissing was done in this situation, because the most qualified didn't get the job.
  9. Well, I guess I am the only one who thinks that Hooks made a wrong decision. I just hope he knows what he is getting himself into. Just my opinion. Proves that still baseball takes second place to football.
  10. AMEN!!! It's about time someone in the media speaks the truth for the rest of us who agree. It is very unfortunate what the great men and women, who care so much about the kids, get the shaft from the so called "ones in charge." You would think that as much as people bad mouth politics, our schools leaders wouldn't want to have the same done to themselves. However, when you talk to them, they say it was for the best interest of the students. That is pure CRAP. Its about time we go back to the go old days of good competetion and the parents, fans and others keep their noses out of the coaches business and just be supporters from the stands.
  11. Apparently the Admin. in DV want some sort of change that someone who is already there can't make. I have heard good things about Pachuca, but has no AD experience. This was the same boat that they were in with Bickham, no previous AD experience. Maybe they wanted someone with that experience, because of possible inexperience mistakes made in the past two years. Just some thoughts. Good luck to whoever takes over. I hope whoever gets the job, the community supports him and doesn't take the anger of the non-hire of Pachuca to the extent it hurts the kids.
  12. I don't know who you think you are by bashing WOS coaches or any coaches for that matter. Coaching is a very political profession and you have to be a "yes man" early on in your career if you want to work your way up. Apparently you aren't a coach or don't know any. Why don't you keep your rude comments to your self. Or let me guess you are probably from D'Ville and have someone in mind for the job, but don't want an outsider getting it.
  13. Well, if my memory serves me right, I think Coach Hallman was at Deweyville. No, they aren't talking about Toby, do get into a panic.
  14. Deweyville has had some quality coaches in the past, maybe one of them will return to take over. Every coach needs a change every now and then. Good luck coach!!
  15. Good job mustangs. I knew you had it in ya!!! ;D
  16. Silverhat you are right it is always a good thing to have former athletes come back and give back to their alumni, what Im trying to say has nothing to do with the fact that Foreman who is obviously loved at the school is coming back and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but some are making it seem like a coaching staff is only as good as 1 or 2 coaches, a staff is comprised of many. Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator, Defensive Coordinator, and several position coaches working together not as one but as a staff. I agree and also think that every situation is different when alumni come back to coach/teach. It isn't always a good thing, and before anyone jumps on this, I am not talking about Coach Foreman, but some former athletes think that since they are back home they don't have to work as hard. However, some feel they have to work even harder, to prove themselves.
  17. As an outsider looking in and reading these post, Foreman must be a heck of a coach b/c fans are basically blasting every coach on the football staff except for Coach T and Coach Foreman, I mean honestly (you wish you could have as many ex- muxtangs on the staff as possible" Christ I guess if you are not from Orange dont even bother feeling out and application b/c they dont want you coaching there and will blast you even when your team beats the #1 ranked 3A school in Texas. Im kind of a sports buff and I just looked up some stats, I might be wrong but it looks as if this years mustangs had a bigger challenge to face than the 05' and 06' teams. It also looks like the 07' team did score more points and had a higher percentage than the 05' team that won. Maybe the OC isnt as bad as every is trying to make it. WOS should be happy that Foreman is coming back but dont make it seem like the current coaches arent capable. Im glad Im in BMT b/c it's ruthless in orange, but hey maybe thats why you guys win so much, I tell you what since Foreman is back ask Coach Hooks to send a couple of those coaches to OZEN so we can get it right. Ozen, I also agree with you. As a parent of a mustang, there are a lot of the current coaches, who are not former mustang players, that are quality coaches and they do a excellent job and the kids love them as well. However, I do see the pride that fans have when one of their own comes back. However, when teams lose at some point in the season the coaches are always blamed, this is a hazard of the job I suppose. I don't think the OC is as bad as people say or we would have not won the number of games we did this season. The dynamics of the team this year was different, but so were the teams back in 05' and 07'. Every team is different each year, it's called graduation. As long as Coach T is around, it doesn't matter who else is on the staff, the chain gang defense will prevail. Good luck 08' Mustangs.
  18. Well if I were a coach, I would love to coach at WOS, but since I am not I will support my children who go to school there just the same. I will also support the coaches, whoever they maybe. Sincerely, WOS FAN!!
  19. Gee, Chaingang, are you going to gain something personal from Toby coming back? You seem to be his number one fan.
  20. Great job Battlin' Bears, good luck on your season!!
  21. Wonder if Hooks owes him a favor??? Why would you let someone leave and then have them come back? If he wasn't good enough to do the job to begin with then why let them come back....
  22. WOS Baseball has definitely been overshadowed in the past few years by the success of the football program. But face it there are a lot of kids who don't' want to play football and have love for baseball. Unfortunately the mustang baseball program isn't what it use to be, but it can be. With the guidance of someone who loves and respects the game and the players will make that program what it use to be. From what I have heard from others who post on here there is a guy already in the program who could turn this around(Hallman). Lets just see what happens, but keep in mind the kids who this all affects. GOOD LUCK WOS BASEBALL!!
  23. I believe Shugart is a softball guy now. It will be interesting to see who gets to take this job on. Whoever does has a lot of work to do!!!
  24. Well,I think that out of the two coaches(Hallman and Rojas) the more experienced one should have gotten the job. Making both of them share the duties is a joke. I think that the ones in charge have someone else in mind to take over next year and they didn't want either of them to get their hopes up. Just a thought.
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