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  1. Perk has come of age. He is a legit NBA player. If he continues to improve, he will be a true Star one day.
  2. A dickie V quote from Texashoops - Too late rednecks!....If you think that these inserts, which are by the way, only partially given, (you guys should go work for FOXNEWS, they lie and slant things about blacks ALL THE TIME) is going to affect this campaign, you are mistaken.....Obama WILL be the next president of the United States...Just get ready...I can see it now...White suicide rates will triple in November!! LOL...(besides you people are the only dumb A**es that commit suicide anyway) You people disgust me... Posted on 5/16 4:34 PM | IP: Logged WOW! White people are the only people that commit suicide. White people are dumbasses White people disgust him The floor is open..
  3. setxbbfam makes a couple of good points...however..it is not that easy. Education in America is obviuosly slanted toward one ethniticity. How else do you explain the gap between white and black scores?
  4. Why can't they pass the TAKS. DV-you don't seem to be very compassionant.
  5. Why the negativity on the Brown kid? He makes a mistake. You ever make a mistake? He's a kid. It's basically the fought of the coaches and parents for not teaching him the right way. You can't really blame him. He is good and he knows it. I am not saying that he is right, just give the kid a chance.
  6. BLUEDOVE makes some good points. I just never understand any of them.
  7. Being as asisstant in D1 is not about coaching. Its about recruiting. Boutte has established he can recruit. lol
  8. Who is Rice--the Central coach?
  9. OK THEBRAIN...help me out. You lost me on that one. I'm a little slow.
  10. I agree with Bluedove. Defense may be important (it is important), but if you can't score, you can't win. The best you can do with a great def. is tie. I know, I know, a good def. will score. I am just agreeing with BD. Also, I did my research. Here is how Central can get over the 2nd place hump. Get Ozen out of the district. Evidently, they have an excellent program.
  11. Is everyone coaches on this board?
  12. Can't we have any fun.
  13. I fully understand DV's comments on Nash.
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