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Everything posted by OldNedDog

  1. Grogan score 10 - 7 Ned 2nd qt
  2. So why isn't a STJFL representative at all the drafts anyway? If it is because they are spread too thin, I understand. But it seems it would stop some of the funny stuff that goes on.
  3. oKAY, what is your son's name? It must be footballgenius jr.
  4. You mean there is no "daddy ball" in SR Babe Ruth? I can see that. By then kids have probably decided what their cup of tea is. Down in the younger divisions of any sport, the parents think their kid is going to be the next Tom Brady, Kobe Bryant, or Roy O. And don't forget mommaball. Thats where the coach's wife threatens the coach he will be sleeping on the sofa if their son doesn't get back into the game. Yes, you're right and I did forget about it.
  5. You mean there is no "daddy ball" in SR Babe Ruth? I can see that. By then kids have probably decided what their cup of tea is. Down in the younger divisions of any sport, the parents think their kid is going to be the next Tom Brady, Kobe Bryant, or Roy O.
  6. Thanks for the post. Brought back some memories.
  7. I see the schedules are up on the website, any idea when the divisions will be posted?
  8. Looks like that apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
  9. Looks like there is at least one Nederland dad on here!
  10. I checked out the website for Nations, looks like the rules are basically the same as USSSA. Except for some baserunning and stealing rules for the younger teams. Hope it works out for the good.
  11. Does anyone have information on Ford Fields being affiliated with Nations Baseball? Did they dump USSSA? If so, from now on or just the Fall season? Thanks for any info.
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