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  1. GP's RB tore his ACL in the first quarter of the first game. He's out for the season.
  2. Galena Park beat Bellaire yesterday 8 to 1 in the Bellaire Tournament Efren Garcia gave up 1 hit and had 13 K's
  3. He is over rated, as is their ace pitcher Garcia
  4. My source tells me that the candidate from GPISD has the inside track for the position. And who might that be?
  5. Missed the game, why didn't #'s 9/8/4/44 play?
  7. Friday 7:00 PM GPISD Stadium
  8. Galena Park Gabriel DeSantiago (3B) Anthony Purcell (OF) Henry Davidson (SS/2B)
  9. A player may not be able to hear anything from the stands, but I am sure it was hard to focus with that tub of jello dancing around the stands.
  10. He quit. Wanted to go to South Padre for Spring Break instead of playing.
  11. #1 Efren Garcia 6-2 District Record #2 Johnny Leos 4-2 District Record
  12. All games at Baytown Sterling Game 1 Wednesday @ 7:00 PM Game 2 Friday @ 4:00 PM Game 3 (30 minutes after game 2 if necessary)
  13. Tenative Wednesday/Friday. Still waiting to confirm sites.
  14. Did Coach Green happen to say when they were going to flip for the game site?
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