You are the only dad on here that is worried about an eight grade quarterback job. If what you say is true what happened this year with the new coaches? Is the best player playing? I know football, i know the ninth grade team, and I know the best quarterback is not even playing quarterback (his choice). I know what your point was early and it is a valid point to some degree. In league athletics which I have been a part of for many years you will see favortism depending on the coach. In my experience I would say it is more the exception than the rule. In organized Jr. High and High school sports I would say it happens much much less. A coach's livelyhood depends on his ability to win and develop kids not make parents happy. In the case of 7th grade through JV the coach is going to play the kid with the most upside. If one kid has talent but not the desire, attitude, or mind to improve and progress then a kid with more potential for the Varsity level should start. It has been that way for many years and will continue to do so. I know that you are Hardin boy and you guys don't have that problem in Hardin, but the only reason you don't is because you only have enough players to actually play. I am not personally from Liberty and as I said before your point has a small amount of validity, but it is no different in any other town this size. It is fortunate for you that you don't have a son playing for Liberty any longer. I hope your nephew does pan out to be a stud and he gets all the playing time and coaching that he deserves.