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MorpheusRemington III

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Everything posted by MorpheusRemington III

  1. I (morpheus) don't thank anyone can beat him after the showing against Dan Henderson(who beat wandaleigh silva). He dominated the second round and his muay thai is second to none.he is incredibally long and flexible and also has great jiu. i was under the impression that the two most good organizations where the ufc and pride and henderson was the best pride had at 185.i
  2. now ill be right on the team at least :-*
  3. Will Anderson Silva ever lose? [Hidden Content]
  4. Central Jags Nederland Dogs West Orange Stallions PNG INdians :-* and you can count on this to be right
  5. thanks "moderator" good stuff keep it coming if you will i think this thread should earn me some good karma :-*
  6. I looked Allied Waste up in the phone book and they must be unlisted Having said that football is to won on a forum. the forum of life if you will. and you sir can second that notion
  8. are yall crazy this is not an upset ozen has full of potential TTT
  9. the oracle told me that decarlos frank is the one (neo if you will) 8)
  10. hey "administator" what does TTT mean and also what does it mean win someone says NM
  11. I have a 150lb rockweiler ... talk about your dog on this thread :-X
  12. If terrelle pryor went to a school around hear he would be the best rb(running back) 8)
  13. i feel ur pain compadre. it must be tough livin the life of an underappreshiated high school soccer start athlalete.butt i here JUNK is the new PHAT(prett hot and tempting) it supposidly stans for Jealous Underground Nominated Kite :-*
  14. boo kershaw yay swiss armie nife
  15. Ima going to go with Tremain Thomas
  16. :D :Dice fishing in texas :D :D
  17. Come on guys lets get back to the topic ore will have to delete ur post :-*( ???)
  18. Gaaaaarrrrr(the noise a pirate makes)
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