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A. Drew_Peacock

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Everything posted by A. Drew_Peacock

  1. check out this well trained dog, trained on my method [move][Hidden Content]]
  2. I found that the best way to train my lab was to open up a box of cheese itz next to the dummy duck..and tell him to go and get the tastiest choice and i want to say that 40% of the time it worked every other time..trust me i did the math on my cell phone..a great way to train cold blooded huntin [move]lab![/move]
  3. i personally root for those foreign cars such as ford, chevy, gmc, pontiac, hummer...all [move]great[/move] racing pedigrees!
  4. He needs to put weight watchers in his fave five! lol! [move] :D :D :D :D :D :D[/move] thats what i love about you wh 33-14 you have a "personality"
  5. houston we are clear for takeoff [move]LoL [/move]
  6. [move]agreed to agree bluedove [/move]
  7. i agree midcounty is [move]stack[/move][move]ed[/move]
  8. ohhh contraire my diamond jubilee...[move][glow=green,2,300]BOJO[/glow][/move] is still very much alive diemond jubilee sounds like a fraidy cat 2me
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