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Everything posted by Lukethadrifter

  1. Well Johnny Ringo, interesting analysis you have there. Gotta go with the home team as well in this one. Cats 34 Huffman 31.
  2. My how the standards have changed on the 40 acres. Excited about a coach who has lost to Navy, SMU, and Memphis in the same season. DKR must be rollin' in his grave, really! I wish him all the best though, seems like a good dude and all. He will fit right in with the whole austin being weird crowd with how he licks on his players before every game. Seems like a stand up dude too, telling his players at Cougar High that he would never leave them and how much he loved them all year, and then leveraging tu with threats to go to LSU on T-Giving night to speed up the process. Seems like his priorities are straight. I honestly thought Charlie deserved one more year, but the "good ole boy" network that runs tu made sure Charlie never had a chance from day one. Hopefully, he breaks the chain of "crash and burn coaches" from Cougar High.
  3. The fact that anyone can argue a Pac 12 school's schedule is tougher than any SEC school, especially one that has it opponents at a whole .100 % points combined winning percentage behind the Ags, wreaks of lib-sip math. I am betting the farm Washington eventually ends up ahead of the Ags and I am Ok with that, but don't tell me that Portland State, Idaho, or Rutgers (8-16) are any better than the 3 ooc teams A&M play (11-13). C'mon man!! And if we are gonna throw Stanford and Oregon up on a pedestal, then you must also mention that they squeaked by a horrible Arizona team (2-6, 0-5)
  4. Absolutely a trap game. Every game is a trap game in the SEC. Miss State could definitely win that game.
  5. Bottom line is this, I think they got it right for NOW. Like I said earlier, an undefeated Washington vs a one loss A&M and I truly believe the Ags get left out, but I dont think either will happen. I do not see A&M beating LSU and Ole MIss. Maybe one, but not both. Washington will get theirs as well from USC, AZ State, or Cal. Hell, Leach has Wash St back in top 25 and that could be a rough one for the Huskies. Obviously I am an Ag fan, but not a myopic one.
  6. So Sip, where in my quote did I say "Very Strong Programs"? Perhaps a reading lesson is in order. I believe I said teams over .500 if I am reading my post correctly. If you want to throw down some numbers, perhaps you need to check all the facts and not just the ones that benefit your argument. We are talking about A&M and Washington here, but you neglected to post Washington numbers, so let me oblige you. Washington vs Rutgers 2-6 (0-5) Idaho 4-4 (2-2) Portland State 2-6 (1-4) Arizona 2-6 (0-5) Score was 35-28 vs a team with no wins in Pac 12 Stanford 5-3 (3-3) Oregon 3-5 (1-4) Oregon St. 2-6 (1-4) Utah 7-2 (4-2) For a total of 27-38 Combined win % of .415 Aggie opponents on the other hand are 30-26 (In a much better conference mind you, I don't care what Big 12-2+1 fans say) Combined win % .535 (.120 HIGHER than Washington) These are the types of analytics that the committee looks at. They are not interested in generalizations like "strong programs". Facts are facts, even if myopic sip fans don't like them.
  7. PhatMack, you been trollin' sip sites? lol
  8. It's not BS, its simple math. Ag's have one loss and it is to a team that they actually had a lead on in their building for a brief time before Bama woke up. The win over Auburn looks bigger every week as well. Washington has 2 wins vs teams over .500. I say well done (for now). All of this will work itself out. If Ag's can win out (big if) and Washington wins out (including Pac 10 champ), then I will make my case for Washington. Until then, its all about the schedule and Ag's have 4 wins vs .500 teams vs Washington's 2 wins.
  9. You don't beat Bama. You survive their physicality. Get it to the fourth down by 10 or less and you have a shot.
  10. Yes it was and so was the hit on Noil!
  11. We already have Vandy and Kentucky. No need for a 3rd bottom dweller.
  12. tu can only dream of the SEC. No way they would ever get a sniff. Finebaum would definitely resign if that ever happened.
  13. Gig Em Ags. Fun to be in these type games.
  14. I was in the second and third grades in the late 70's and yes, Donald could possibly outrun an average tailback running sideways. He was the real deal, but like any good football team, there were a lot of others on that team that were as tough as nails too.The coach, Red Mitchell was quite the character and master motivator. And yes, they did play Sealy in the Bi District game at Tully stadium in 79 I believe. A running back by the name of Dickerson played on that Sealy team. He turned out to be Ok as well. I want to say the score was 30 or 31-0 Sealy. Splendora has been back to playoffs numerous times since. A couple times in the mid-late 80's under Mike Howell, several in the 90's and early 2000's under Kevin Weldon (now supt. at Tarkington), and the last two times in 06 and 07 under Chris Nelson (asst. at Porter HS) Splendora has never advanced to the area round of the playoffs.
  15. Anything less from sip and I'd be disappointed! It's all good.
  16. thanks Whoop. Not a UT basher because I am a real world Aggie fan and know disappointment is around every corner. Not MS Paint though, I admit, I googled it as well.
  17. Once again, the dynamic duo strike in tandem!!
  18. A comment like "Aggies dont play well at home" and a subtle jab at the indecisiveness of the conference and you sips come up with this? For people who always talk about "Aggy" having a pre occupation with tu, you guys sure do rattle the cage a lot. Typical though, and to be expected from lib-sip. Anything less and I would really be disappointed. Even busting out the cartoons!! lol I really didn't know the level of anxiety was that high on the 40 acres, wow. Yeah, I may be in the front car, but at least I am on the ride and not standing in line at the measuring stick, making sure I am tall enough to ride. I am an Ag fan, have been since I was a kid, but unlike many, I am a realistic fan. I do not see 12-0, or 11-1, or even 10-2 to tell you the truth. The way we have played at home (which is what I pointed out in my earlier post), I see a loss to Tenn this week and obviously one at Bama as well. We could very well lose to LSU and Ole Miss too. The conference is just brutal and physical and I was pointing out the fact that the Ags look a heck of lot more like an SEC team now, rather than a Big 9, 10, 11, 12 team. Sorry if the subtle jab at the big 12 brought out your "artistic" qualities and made you feel the urge to google image search for aggie cartoons, or retrieve them from your "ag bashing" file on your desktop. You have inspired me though! So I did a little search of my own. Misery loves company. You two keep carrying the torch for lib-sip-nation and one day, hopefully soon, maybe you guys will get to ride again. Ride Charlie Ride!! Oh and the bad math was a simple oversight. I apologize. I simply forgot about the win over little sister (UTEP) and yes the Ags have one of those as well (PVU). Don't get all butthurt for the little sis reference.
  19. Whoopi, sorry my math was a little off, I was thinking 1-2, not 2-2. I forgot about the win over UTEP. I wasn't giving math lessons, just saying 8 is gonna be tough. The one good thing about their schedule is that they have TCU, Baylor, Iowa St, and WV at home. Tech, Kansas, K State on road and OU at Dallas this weekend. To me,Charlie has to win 6 of 8 to keep job. A win over OU would go a long way in job security.
  20. OU vs Texas = Gonorrhea vs Syphillis
  21. Aggies have not played well at Kyle Field in the past 4-5 years period, whether game day is there or not. Finally glad to see this team at least looking like an SEC team in the defensive trenches and less like A big 12-3+1-1+2 team, or whatever they are this week.
  22. Funny, just a month ago it was Sumlin on the proverbial "hot seat" and the program looked to be in turmoil with 5star qb's leaving almost daily. Strong and horns appeared to be "back" with a win over what appeared to be a good ND team. All was good on the 40 acres. 30 days later, game day is in College Station and folks want Charlie gone. Someone said earlier they see tu getting 8 wins. Where? That means they need to go 7-1! Baylor, TCU, West Va, OU, Hell even Iowa St. looks decent. The ONLY guarantee is Kansas. Tu is more likely to go 1-7 than 7-1. Go Ahead and back the brinks truck up to the Herman household and hire him before LSU or USC does and don't dare let cougar high in the conference, because that is one more loss. Poor Texas.
  23. Probably right. Money talks though.
  24. [Hidden Content] Interesting. Not sure how this could happen but if big $$$ is involved, who knows?
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