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Everything posted by Lukethadrifter

  1. Hey Ringo, I will take the "Cats" in this one. The Red Cats! Question is, who will win in basketball? lol
  2. Leave it teasip to proclaim "off topic". Good stuff. Feel free to delete or move Mr Admin to please Mr Sip
  3. Dear Charlie Strong,   Did you just see what Aggy did to Spurrier and SC? Is Vince gonna suit up against North Texas? When will you start getting all those 5 star recruits back in town like Mack did? You know Charlie, we were the natl champions in recruiting for about a decade. If Mack can win one championship with all that talent, I know you can win at least 2. Have you thought about hiring Sumlin to coach our offense? I bet he would take a paycut to coach here on the forty acres, Anybody in their right mind would make that career move because after all, we are Texas!! We are entitled. You could let him rent one of your rooms in your house. You know, the room that overlooks Lake Travis. Oh how Kevin would love the Austin sunset sitting on your balcony as you two talk spread option over a bottle of nice Chardonnay.   You know Charlie, if you were not spending so much time on our new network, I know we could be much better as a football team, but understand that we are Texas and sharing with the boys in Oklahoma, Lubbock and Waco just aint happening.Besides, what would we do if we could not watch our beloved girls soccer team beat up on Louisiana Monroe??   Charlie, we really like you. Just sayin' your name gives us hope!! Now get back out there and coach em up.   Anonymous Texas Booster
  4. I will give you that Falcon, you did leave a crack open with the "or what". And you know what, really, my beef is not with Huffman at all. Love those kids over there. Its the whole excuse thing going in all of our sports, but ESPECIALLY baseball. Funny thing about people and especially sports fans is that blame is rarely placed where it really belongs. We have heard em all from fans and especially parents when a kid messes up, its always the coaches fault, or the groundskeepers fault, or the guy who installed the lights fault, or my private coaches fault, or last years coaches fault, or the math teacher that made little Bobby mad today's fault, etc. And of course, the old standby, injuries fault. I wasnt "going off" on Huffman and it was perceived that way, I apologize. Just once, I want to hear a Father greet his son after a bad game with "you know what, you were just awful today and you need to get that fixed asap" instead of "dang umpires" or "stupid coaches" or "bad hops" or "I am calling your personal coach right now". Sorry, just venting years of frustration with parents and daddyballer's. Thanks for listening. Therapy maybe?? lol
  5. Lame?? Only lame thing on this thread is someone with 5750 posts who sits back and waits for a semi-critical take on some issue and then critiques them. What I said was innocent and obvious in response to the previous post. I just thought it was funny because someone always pulls out the old "injury" card when looking for a reason why their team underachieves or dont play to expectations. Injuries have been and always will be a part of every physical game. Lame?? dude, go back to your momma's basement.
  6. Injuries.........LOL.............thats funny.............sounds like you are saying the ONLY possible way that Huffman can lose is if their players are injured.
  7. So typical. Bwahhhhhh S.J.C.S.G. San Jacinto County Sour Grapes Your tone wreaks of bitterness and childish footstomping.  :'(
  8. Bad santa, "Slim and None" huh? First time to hear that one huh? You really need to get out more.
  9. Keep those blowout predictions coming, "Johnny V" and the Cats love to keep posting those 21AAA predictions up in the locker room in Splendora, just like they did 4 or 5 years ago against HJ and Stark. Ammo Ammo Ammo. Out athleted-maybe, out manned-possible, out ran-probably, out worked or out classed-NEVER. Do it again JV, lets hang another picture in that locker room. Go Cats.  8)
  10. It may not rain for 10 months!!! But it will absolutely flood at the beginning of every baseball season. Forget the farmers almanac, just show me a baseball schedule from now on.
  11. "Shepherd's Golf team just got a lot better" That is CLASSIC~!!!lol
  12. An excellent addition to the LHS staff. Good luck RT.
  13. Sure am glad that the folk from East County can run cause they sure cant spell. "Puching"? Perhaps "punching" would have been more appropriate. Joking of course, I know its hard with those big fingers and that "Pseudo Aggie Education". Congrats to the entire team. Great Year! Looks like its gonna take a sub 3:20 to even medal at the state meet however. Better get em goin'!!! BEST OF LUCK CATS. Luke has Spoken
  14. Dont read too much into what I say LTZ, I dont have a dog in any of these fights. Try not to "spin" what Luke speaks. I aint hatin' nor lovin'. Just a very content bystander these days. -Luke has spoken-
  15. Paintball, thats just wrong.
  16. OK LTZ, or whatever you are called this week, you called me out so here I am. I challenge you to find any quote where I said Liberty's offense was "garbage" or they were no good. I am man enough to eat a little crow, even if I DID NOT, I repeat DID NOT make any predictions. I believe my entire post or posts were ENTIRELY based on the opponents of the 2 teams and how Liberty's stats "should" be better than Splendora's, thats all! Quit searching for someone to yell "I told you so" at! Surely, you agree that Splendora had a much tougher schedule coming in than Liberty? And as for the "BCS" stuff, I am sorry, that may have been a tad above your intellectual capabilities, I was simply simply trying to tie in some.............................................oh nevermind, you would'nt understand anyway. Where do you get that I was "dogging" on Liberty? Did you take accidently take too many of those Flintstone vitamins this morning? Go ahead and keep drinking the Liberty kool aid while its good n cold, I am glad for you and your team. They played well Friday night. Oh yeah, last thing LTZ...Luke has spoken.
  17. Man, how did I not see this thread earlier. This is some funny stuff. I mean where else can ya hear someone from Huffman telling someone from Splendora to go back to his trailer!! (Somewhere here there's an analogy about some black pots yelling at one another or throwing glass in a rock house or somethin' like that)  Huffman definitely showed up and props to their kids. They should give Coldspring all they want in their matchup. But being the "old school" fella I am and a firm believer in the philosophy of more bad things happening to teams who throw a lot, and having seen both teams play, I will lean slightly toward Coldspring but a Huffman win is not out of the question. Both will represent the district well. As for the Huffman folk who got upset, why are you blaming Splendora? The P/A guy follows an itinerary (thats "schedule" for you Huffman folk, poke, poke!) set forth and recommended by both the UIL and TASO. On top of that, it was homecoming, so being on schedule is even more paramount (thats "important" for you East County Splendora folk, poke, poke!) I am sure Coach Mac would not have done that, but no need to point fingers at anyone in Splendora either. I dont think that was high on Coach Nelson's priority list at that particular juncture (thats "point in time" for you folks east of the Trinity river). Luke has spoken
  18. I remember when North-East Central Valley State College of the Ozarks beat Michigan one year by a field goal to end the the game and Michigan went on to beat who was then # 1 Ohio State who then lost the next week to College of the Piedmont of Western Pennsylvania of the Poconos who lost to Coastal Nebraska by 40 points. My point is......................................the gauchos of UC Santa Barbara got hosed because of a bad referees call. darned zebras. Luke has spoken
  19. Hmmm, comparing Splendora's offensive stats with Liberty's. Hmmmm, let me see, Liberty's opponents (Huff, Shep, Tark). Splendora's opponents (Huff, Cold, Cleve). ..........................................insert into BCS computer system.........................................yup, just as I thought.......Boise State gets hosed again and its Splendora with the obvious tougher schedule. C'mon Capt. Obvious, Liberty SHOULD have the better stats and record at this point. Sheeeez. Luke has spoken
  20. Biggen, dont get to fired up because someone has less than stellar research techniques. We all know these HS football sites are just a notch above "daddyball" stats. And that accuracy is not always of the utmost importance. Playa, 4 passes? wow, you are really expecting an "air show" arent you? lol My golf ball stays in the air longer than these two teams put the football in the air, and believe me, thats about a nanosecond. That being said, I like the Cats and their O-line this week. The same o-line that pushed a very good Cleveland defense around a little last year. (Over 300 yards on the ground if I recall). Gotta play some d though. Cats in a close one. 26-20 Luke has Spoken.
  21. Silsbee big in this one!  Three months ago I would have to say a toss up, but the Cleveland has taken a major step back with the loss of their quarterback and their head coach that won back to back district championships!  Cleveland was a top 25 program the last two years with the staff they had and now they have made some bad decisions that will result in alot of losses, probably going back to the days of old: fights, losing seasons, probation etc. 
  22. Sacked Again. Ball Game. I know it aint what yall wanted but nevertheless, a very good season for Cleveland. Congrats to Coach T and his staff on a successful season. Luke is out.
  23. Sack for 7 yard loss. 3rd and 15 for tribe.
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