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Everything posted by outlaw

  1. It's Hot I know and even hotter for your dogs. but in six weeks is opening day of Teal season and you should have already been working with old Dog through some bumpers blow on the duck calls get him worked up work on your commands. remember he has been laying up A few months might have put on some wait. work him slow an easy and please make sure he too gets lots of water don't let them get to hot !! If you don't work with him now don't cuss him later when you think he's DUMB. DOGS ARE LIKE CHILDREN YOU CONSTANTLY HAVE TO REMIND THEM WHAT YOU WANT . they want to please you SO HELP THEM
  2. ok guys looking at a new mud motor had the go -devil long tail looking at a surface drive with reverse which one and what horse power or go back to a go-devil or mud buddy help me out which one an why ??
  3. I have about 3000 acre in Menard county total of five guns one opening left @1500.00$ plus electricity and if you use the house another 335.00$ you get the Buck of your choice plus three doe of your choice this includes exotics of Axis or Black Buck there are some stands an feeders already in place .If you hunt you should be able to shoot a 120 inch whitetail we get Nov.Thur first week end in Jan. only no spring Turkey but can take them in fall . no hunting in Oct. p.m. me for more info or questions .
  4. WAY to go CARDS ,lets make JASPER PAY UP
  5. Gibsons Boudian sausage not bad either best sausage would say The Boiling Point in Sulfur La.
  6. select coaches can get the best of any or a larger area and they get the girls that play ball all year or at least most of the year A high school team may only have two or four of those girls.
  7. but for some they tend to let their emotions get the best of them but then that is usually the ones that don't know the game . the girls that play know players on every other team and as a parent know parents also .i never dreamed years ago playing league ball would be like high school ball
  8. Coaches are or should be held to A higher standard but they are human also and get caught up in the game and can get excited or upset. anyone who as ever stepped on a field to play or coach at any level has herd parents an fans second guess everything that is done in a game it is human nature.We pay them to coach, they do their way that worked for them.Ideal situation is for fans/spectaters to be at Beaumont civic center and the players at ford park.
  9. At 40 I've just got back into duck hunting it is a young mans sport, I did it for my kids and dogs. lived here all of my life and twenty two years out of the marsh we as a hole have some nice toys ,when i was 18 we wore converse and cheap rubber wader's today neopreme ,prodrive,hyperdrive, godevil,nice toys. One of the best pics and mem. is of one morning watching the sun come up just over the water &grass birds started flying the dog is alert an whining and my11 year old son an 16 year old daughter with me and says just think GOD may this day just for us.We brought home five ducks that day. my kids work with me in training and working our labs.And yes we deer hunt in west Texas and I haven't shot a buck in four years but my wife and three kids have .my sixteen yr old girl shot a buck scored 140 and 20" inside she beats my best. that same morning my 76 yr old father shot his best of 20" outside main frame 8 with a 3" kicker. And me I'm just glad my oldman loved the outdoors enough to teach me so i can share with my kids and to be able to still do it with all of us still together don't know to many families that can say that.
  10. you might want to try duck dog kennels in bridge city, Dow Anderson 937-6188 he has trained some of the best dogs and most of all trained the handlers .
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