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Everything posted by MightyNDNS

  1. I was wondering the same thing - especially with the ones that did not get an interview...and then we hire someone that is not on the list? That doesn't look good to me. Nothing against Craig, just wondering about the legal stand point since we do not need anymore drama.
  2. Too bad Gary Stretcher isn't on the hiring committee! Like he won't tell his compadres "Hey - Hire Stump". Which, if he is best, so be it. But...... Is school district action supposed happen at Lamar PA? I don't think so.....
  3. True. It is getting old. I wish someone would put up or shut up!!!
  4. Not necessarily - they are my school board also and I did not vote for any of them that returned for this session. Their arrogance has trickled over the top this time.
  5. We are not in the minds and the hearts of the board. WE voted them in and put our TRUST in them and their decision making process for the betterment of our district. This is getting redundant......I still see NO validation of releasing the list other than folks can haggle back and forth over the candidates. We have absolutely no effect on the board and their decision. We gave them the control when we voted for and elected them. I applaud the PNG board for their stance and hope the list will NOT be released. The board has our BEST interest at heart. The eight people that will decide on the candidate are qualified and will put the district first, you can bet on that. PNG>>>>>>>Honor......Pride.....Tradition...."Priceless" That is your opinion- please do not lump me into the group that "trust" this group of people. Use the work "I" instead of "we".
  6. I agree - personally I could care less what his opinion is - I don't value it what so ever. And I think I will add this particular paper to the stack to take to the Humane Society - they will at least get some use out of it. Don't forget...we are not only spoiled fans but according to TH we are ignorant, as well. Not to mention the things he said about the kids.
  7. Congrats Indians!!! I heard that Ozen beat Vidor, I guess the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away! 3 way tie, I would say we are back at a level playing field....
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