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Everything posted by cornhusker

  1. Get the Dogs pumped up Coach English. Strong bench keeps the Dogs going onto the fourth round.
  2. We definitely need something. I cannot and will not let the Crosby game go away. These two 5 and 6 seasons were brutal.
  3. If the Dogs do what they did last year it will be 2012 before it is reached. I hope thats not in the making. I am still not over the Crosby game.
  4. I knew you would post Smitty. I did not think it would take this long. lmao!
  5. I knew that throwing that bait out there that you folks would swallow it. lmao good luck in the playoffs.
  6. I think the Lions will play the Dayton tough and i will not be surprised if they win. You Dayton folks are becoming a legend in your on minds.
  7. Congrats. Trev, Dog fans wish you the best and that you dont hit the batting cages for 5 weeks due to the playoffs.
  8. we played with our starting linebacker Korbin StampleWy #33  in that defense with one linebacker and he played lights out. We have four good    linebackers all underclassman
  9. PNG wins big and I mean big.
  10. LCM defense has not been good all season Bearclaw. Hunter is a very good QB. It might have been closer but i doubt if the Bears would have won. Great game Dogs.
  11. I think Howard Payne college is in Brownwood.
  12. I agree with that statement 100% Knoddy 1. I think the Dogs defense will do a better job with  the LCM.
  13. Great game two watch. Dogs finally win a close one. I will say this and probably catch some heat but the Ozen QB is the best in the district. Hands down he is more talented. My hat is off to him.
  14. Wow Thats two games straight that the Dogs left everything on the field. Congraulations to the Jags and my heart aches for the Dogs. This year has been tough but good things will come from this experience for the underclassman bunch. By the way the stadium is great.
  15. Special thanks to our seniors. They played lights out and deserved this win big time.
  16. I agree with you Keeper99 on that statement. That is why folks get blasted on this forum.
  17. Great job Dogs. I have never been more proud for these kids. They earned it against a good PNG offense.
  18. Prayers go out for the family and WOS student body.
  19. The  Dogs are coming together at the right time. Carson grew up in the second half with his passing game. I have never been more glad for him. H. Butler,C. Cunningham, and S. Schlett came through with some great catches. The defense is young but they are growing up real quick. Congraulations to BH on there first win.
  20. Dogs  35 GCM 13  The Dogs will  only get better with this young defense.  Ex,avier Bill is out on the front four and linebacker Korbin Stampley is out with a bruised neck. The defense will only get better with these guys at full strength.
  21. Comments like that IDN Time is what keeps you and some other folks hammered. GP is a better team period.
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