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Everything posted by mjones830

  1. Wow!!! great post hit the nail on the head, its not only with Baseball, its Track & Field and Basketball as well. You have great athletic talent in all three sports, however, they don’t seem to play Football.
  2. But some on this forum are trying to imply that the buses run for all extra curricular activities at WOS. Its my understanding and when talking to academic parents at WOS, only athletics have this luxury. Which is it Academic Activities or just Athletics or all.
  3. Your not serious about this statement I hope. If you are what are you trying to say.
  4. One thing I would like to point out is that alot of "single parent" families are composed of MOTHERS and KIDS, no all are fortunate enough to still have a DAD involved. I say this because alot of the single parent families we are discussing are WOMEN and economics tell us that a women considered "uneducated" and I mean without college degrees cannot find these 8-5 M-F jobs and make enough to much less pay the rent. I say if the parents of the students want to have this service provided, then offer it as a fare. This way the district will not be expected to cover the cost, which TEA is pushing limits the district can spend outside the classroom, and the parents will not have to worry about their kids getting home safely! The most important thing we have is the safety of our kids!!! Well, without trying to put my personal life on a stage, I am a college drop out! I do not have a college education. I worked hard, worked long hours and set goals for myself. The older I got, the more serious I got. I'm not Einstein, if I can do it, anyone can! I think it's extremely sad to see "single parent" families struggle. I just hope these parents are not using the school district as a babysitter, expecting pick up and delivery. My ex-wife could really care less about football or any sport, but she is there every practice supporting her kid! Probably the only thing we agreed on ;) Well said, great posting -----thetragichippy
  5. From a male point of view, I would personally like to see a female AD at LCM and I think Castino would be great for the job. She’s tough and I do not believe that she would cave into the politics. Also, PNG has two AD’s one male and one female.
  6. Just curious would you think that a Female AD for the girls and a Male for the boys be a good thing.
  7. What about them? We aren't talking about them. Don't forget we have an open campus. So how in the world would you know where the kids live? Do the majority of them live in the city? Yes. But again it's an open campus so they don't have to live in the city or the school district. Are you saying that they go outside there district to provide rides to students I can't say where the buses run and where they don't run. What I'm telling you is that we have an open campus and not all kids have to live in the school district. Well I can see why the school, dropped the after school bus rides if they were providing rides to students that reside outside the school district. Even though an open campus, I believe that there tax revenue comes from citizens that reside within there school district.
  8. What about them? We aren't talking about them. Don't forget we have an open campus. So how in the world would you know where the kids live? Do the majority of them live in the city? Yes. But again it's an open campus so they don't have to live in the city or the school district. Are you saying that they go outside there district to provide rides to students
  9. Wow, most students within the WOS school district reside within a 6-8 mile or less radius, all in the city of Orange, What about Buna, Orangefield, Vidor, LCM, Deweyville and other schools in the immediate area. They have students that reside as far as 20 to 25 miles away from their perspective schools. They also have single mothers and fathers that reside in these school districts as well.
  10. Wow, this is getting ridicules we have Mauriceville people and Little Cypress people both tearing each other up on this forum. People need to stop tearing each other up and pull together and support the new AD no matter who it is when he or she gets here. I’m born and raised in the LCM area and I have heard of the differences between the two schools, but this is above it all. Use the forum for what it is and not tearing each other up.
  11. My apologies, I too went to Mauriceville in the 80’s and when playing sports we did play in 2A. If not in the early 90’s, it might have been the late 80’s, however, I believe Coach Williams implemented this and I believe he became AD in 93 or 94.
  12. Of all names mentioned, David Williams is my personal pick as AD at LCM.
  13. Amen to that, DW was the best thing they had going for them.
  14. In the 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s Mauriceville played in the 2A classification. They played teams such as Deweyville, High Island and Sabine Pass. LC Jr. High has played in the same district as the High School whether it being in the 3A or 4A classifications. I believe Coach Williams was the person responsible for placing Mauriceville in the same district as the High School and they played the same schools. People might not be familiar with Mauriceville it is extremely small and had a hard time competing in Football against the larger schools. Track, Basketball and Volleyball is the only team sports to compete in the district for Mauriceville, Football does not. I believe that still today, the teams either compete against B teams or the 8th grade competes against the 7th grade teams. When they don‘t play B teams, they do play against Beaumont St. Anne‘s and Deweyville on occasions. Prior to Mauriceville making the move from 2A to the same district as the High school they were dominate in most years in all sports in Mauriceville. Coach Williams attempted to place them in the same district to attempt to prepare the kids for the Nederland’s, Port Neches-Groves and West Orange Stark teams when they reached the High School levels, however, when doing so the teams were usually handled pretty good and the kids eventually shrink in numbers do to the level of competition they seen on a regular basis. With that said, I’m not trying to bash Mauriceville Athletes some of the greatest athletes came from Mauriceville over the years. Melanie Hamerly, Beau Hale and Buster Ascol just to name a few of a very long list of great athletes.
  15. MMS and LC Jr. High for the last several years both had great Football teams. This years seniors when they were in Mauriceville lost two games, The Cubs I believe won the 20 4A District Title. It seems when the kids complete there middle school years they start to dwindle in numbers. Select sports such as Soccer and Baseball seem to overtake football and they don’t play anymore. This years Seniors when they were in the ninth grade had over 80 kids participate in Football. As Seniors I doubt if they had 15 left playing. I’ve also seen over the years kids leaving the LCM school district to play for other schools such as Deweyville and WOS.
  16. 14 YOA and just a Freshman, looked pretty impressive to me..
  17. Well the Queen and her Court had the opportunity to hire Mike Long and Randy Crouch, instead they hired Moddy and if I'm not mistaking he came from Euless Trinity ISD and he was a Middle School coach.
  18. I'm with setxasfan on this one, I've heard Moddy came from a middle school.
  19. Ridiculous post!
  20. Not only is there a problem with the AD at LCM there is a problem with the Queen (Superintendent) and her court. They're the ones that passed on hiring Crouch or Owens, instead they hire an unknown who coached at a middle school in West Texas. I firmly believe that not only the AD needs to go, the Superintendent needs to go as well.
  21. Ozen had 5 girls make all district, a team that finished 3rd, why do people have to constantly complain.
  22. Well if you haven't heard or seen the Crush Fields, they took quite a beating from Ike. Both Cole and Birdwell’s fences were severally damaged, however it appeared Harrell’s fences fared a little better. All dugouts are severally damaged and debris is scattered throughout the park.
  23. Poor CHEATER ;D
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