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Everything posted by aTmfan06

  1. If it’s who I’m thinking. This was his first game back since he hurt it last game vs Buna.
  2. First of all I’m not a “Newton Fan”. I’m also not gonna argue with someone who has shown nothing but shade towards Newton constantly, which is what you have done. WOS barely beat a Salado team who wasn’t good at all. I never said they would beat Carthage or Manvel. Carthage could have beaten Newton by 3+ TDS last year because Carthage was that good! Not knocking Newton at all. Now to sit here and say WOS would beat Newton by 3 TDS is just outright delusional. And most everyone on here would agree with me with the exception of you and possibly a big WOS homer .
  3. By last year I mean this previous season.
  4. I watched WOS a few times in the playoffs last year . And I’ve watched Newton. Idk what WOS has this year but they wouldn’t have beaten Newton last year.
  5. Tie game 41-41 at the end of regulation. Kountze made a layup at the buzzer to send the game to overtime
  6. I don’t think he was saying he was the greatest of all time literally like you took it. People use the word Goat loosely these days. But yes he is up there with them guys without a doubt .
  7. Yeah I know Kountze won tonight vs Bob Hope but don’t know the score. Congratulations Coach Joubert on your 500th win
  8. I pray Kountze isn’t playing PAM lol
  9. It’s because Ella is a better QB
  10. I’m not crowning them Kings of 4A . But to say there are “dozens” of 4A schools with the talent Newton has your wrong.
  11. There aren’t dozens of 4A schools with the team like Newton will have this year let’s be clear on that. I watch a lot of 4A ball outside of SETX and I can tell you Newton would be ranked top 5 in 4A next season.
  12. The refs were pretty awful last night. Both ways. I’m going to the Kentucky game Saturday. Hopefully we can pull out another W
  13. The flagship ? Lol cmon man. I’m a realist and Texas has a hell of a class no doubt. The Aggies did great considering the coaching change and all. Next years recruiting battles will be interesting.
  14. I have to say I’m very satisfied with the Aggies recruitment efforts. Considering the coaching change and all. Texas has a hell of a class. Next year will be a big recruitment battle between the two .
  15. I grew up there. And honestly a lot of times it’s kids that move away and come back in High School. But we have gotten a couple . I’d like to say no more than any other school that has a successful program though.
  16. What you mean any longer? Like Kountze has always gotten them or something
  17. The only reason I’d pull for EC is Sutherland. Was my favorite coach my freshman and sophomore year in Kountze. Awesome coach and person.
  18. Possibly. It’s a tough region.
  19. I honestly don’t know when or if Kountze will return to what they used to be. Don’t get me wrong the kids playing are giving it their best and I’m not taking anything away from them or the coaches.
  20. EC is just better. Kountze is missing their starting post. But I think that’s all. Someone correct me if I’m wrong
  21. Depends on how many years you wanna go back... head to head or who has made the deeper playoff runs. Either way it doesn’t matter this year does and clearly EC has the better team without question
  22. EC gonna take quite few years of frustration out on the lions tonight
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