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Everything posted by aTmfan06

  1. Barbers Hill #9 ? Interesting
  2. Yeah that was my thoughts lol
  3. What teams has Silsbee struggled vs that run the Slot T in the last 2-3 years? Because I can’t think of any lol
  4. 1. Brock 2. Grandview 3.Pottsboro 4. Malakoff 5. Wall 6. Gladewater 7. Rockdale 8. Halletsville 9. Troy 10. Jourdanton No local teams
  5. Don’t get me wrong I fully expect Silsbee to have things rolling by the end of district. Wouldn’t mind a Bellville vs Silsbee playoff game this year. Would love to make a free dinner wager with AAW on that game!
  6. But does what they lost out weigh that? Teams like Kountze, Warren, Huntington return starters all the time but still don’t have much success . That’s what some were meaning when they say Silsbee lost a lot.
  7. These are voluntary workouts but I get what your saying.
  8. We have to learn how to live with this virus. Like it was said earlier... it’s not going anywhere. We have to keep everything moving forward. Now how that’s done? I don’t really know lol
  9. Exactly.
  10. Yeah I tend to agree, especially with it being week one. Silsbee over the past few years has gotten off to slower starts and gets better as the season goes on. If this was a 3-4 games in I’d take the Tigers. But I’ll take Vidor by 13 to start the year.
  11. 1. Gunter 2. Canadian 3. Daingerfield 4. Paul Pewitt 5. Newton 6. Abernathy 7. East Bernard 8. Franklin 9. Eastland 10. Holliday
  12. Shiner and Refugio at the top as they probably should be lol
  13. The WHO just recently said that Asymptomatic spread of corona is very unlikely. I think things will be ok. If your sick.... stay home. It’s not that hard.
  14. No that sounds logical lol
  15. Cmon now let’s be nice... Bridge City hasn’t set the world on fire as of late either
  16. Idk about D2 but I’d like to throw Richmond Foster in the hat for D1 lol
  17. If this happens I think it’s Vidor
  18. Lol wait did no one else see this
  19. Except in the second round of the playoffs last year.... too soon? I’m jk I apologize. No sports for a while now has me really bored and saying things that are uncalled for. Nothing but respect for Jasper .
  20. While I agree he is probably a much better person and more reliable .. Evans May have the edge as far as overall talent. And by all means I’d choose Barlow. Just being honest
  21. Yeah it’s unfortunate lol Pleasant Grove was already gonna be loaded again anyways but Carthage basically puts the nail in the coffin lol
  22. We are 4A D2 and went 3 rounds deep in the playoffs, but arguably our best two players were sophomores.
  23. I know during Kountze’s golden years we had a hell of a little dribblers program.
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