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Everything posted by YankeeDawg

  1. I think that it's for the broadcast tomorrow. Would be nice to watch it live. man, sure would
  2. bad snaps and turnovers aren't gonna get us into the playoffs > 2 turnovers...2 TD's.....time for a drink great.... holding penalty LOL... imma make it a double...no..a triple
  3. one of the KLVI announcers said something about "those folks who are watching it live on TV ..." so i was wondering
  4. is there a way to watch the game on the computer in real time??
  5. friggin turnovers are gonna kill us....geeeez
  6. they shoulda flooded the field like it was last week :
  7. Crow taste a little better if you pluck the feathers off LOL...true, but feathers are roughage...keeps ya cleaned out ;D
  8. Ironing?? what is ironing?? : Question... why is the alledged indiscretion of a teenager(s) in our area of such interrest to so many adults?? is it of sincere interest in what happened with this kid(s) or is it just soap opera curiosity?? I for one will leave it alone.. :-X
  9. Me thinx lionfan retired for the evening :
  10. LOL, You didnt have to do that, Yankee..but thanks! LOL no prob Warrior...I knew you'd get a kick outta it ;D
  11. I posted this on the other png thread but just for my buddy Warrior
  12. here ya go weasel..
  13. All I can say to the Nederland haters is:
  14. Nice job Indians. Man, what a turnaround from last year!!
  15. Yes sir...Pulling away. And I thought the NDN's couldn't play on grass? they have grass there?? i thought it iwas field turf :
  16. You're tellin me!!! ;D I'm gonna hope for rain every Friday nite thru the rest of the season!!!! :
  17. Nice post spinner...I root for PNG every week cept one!! Our 2 communitites are too close to be hatin each other (the way some fans from BOTH sides feel)
  18. Thanks for the updates lcm. H. Gonzales seems to be quite an athlete. Is he a senior??
  19. That wasn't Trahan!!! He don't miss XPts.
  20. Nice messy exciting game...maybe we should pray for rain for the rest of the season on friday nites!!! ;D ;D
  21. What the hedoubleL happened on that TD ?? I missed it
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