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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. I believe the rule is there must be 30 minutes of no lightning to resume play.

    I don't know if there is a time limit to call the game.

    Another thing to remember here...

    The further west and north you are the sooner during the day the rain will clear....

    The PN-G game in Livingston game will have the rain stop probably at least three to five hours before it clears in the Beaumont area (assumming the weather is moving between 20 and 30 miles per hour).

    Hopefully the cold front picks up steam and moves through the area in the afternoon.


    When the cold front does clear the area you would assume you would have a very strong north westerly wind blowing.

    Problem i see right now is the winds aloft will be parallel to the front causing it not to move real fast!

    Dang parallel winds!!!!   >:(  :D

    That was funny!!!!!!!! :D

    Who's on first  ???

    A CLASSIC !!!  Gotta love this!!!

  2. Did anyone else notice that Ned's footballs were very light colored?  Almost the color of their skin.  I found that interesting.

    Possibly another Neumann idea, to further tip the scales for Ned?  If so, pretty clever!  The balls actually almost matched the color of their pants.

    I wonder where we could find some purple balls???

    I bet we could find a few blue ones..... ;D

    I know where there's 2...


    j/k   ;D

    ::gives Proud karma for making me laugh my footballs off::

  3. "Honestly"?   HHmmmmm,  I've never realy done "honestly" before, but I'll try.

    Uh........gonna go with PNG...................by 17

    I only missed it by 1!!!  And that's cuz we missed that darned extra point!

    From now on, everyone listen to me.  I KNOW how games are gonna turn out.

    Uhhh,  either that or I was just lucky....................................................................probably lucky.  :-\

    OK pal, who in Vegas are your in cahoots with??  ::)

  4. PNG fans booing the Nederland school song.  That's Classy!

    FYI.   Ned fans BOOED the PNG cheerleaders at midfield AND our school song FIRST!  We merely reciprocated.

    In the future , get your story straight before you point fingers.

    Agreed PNGProud,  Nederland booed the our cheerleaders.....Real classy but expected from Nederland.

    please don't generalize Nederland like that ...there's fools in all towns. 

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