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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. Guys when you crawl back into your homes tonight and log back on to the computer you are going to be hard pressed to try and come up with words to describe the way the dogs came away with this victory. Old fashion Nederland football at its finest tonight...... Again, Nederland pulls this one out by 4 or less points....See ya at the game

    Get Micah suited up...he and Cardenas would make a great backfield tandem   ;D

    But then that 4 points or less goes out the window  !!!

  2. Yes it is...the story brought a few tears to my eyes.

    It would be wonderful if actions such as those displayed at the Central/Vidor game would become TRADITION in this entire area. I for one, think what was done after this game was exceptional and transcended customary sportsmanship.  I think we as adults sometimes forget that these are teenagers playing a game.  Say what ya want, but there are more important things in life than HS football.   What these young men are learning on the football field during the game can help shape their lives...what these kids are learning during their post game exhange is PRICELESS.

    Congratulations to both teams for their actions that speak volumes about their character.

  3. With all the injuries and losses, it's obvious that Nederland is down this year, but they're certainly not out and we're talking about Mid-County Madness. This is the most exciting game of the year for every Mid-County fan and is the culmination of one of the fiercest and friendliest high school rivalries in the state of Texas. Anything, and I mean anything, can happen at this game. Progress prior to MCM doesn't matter at that game and it won't matter come Friday. As focused as these communities can be on football and Friday night in the week before a regular game, Port Neches, Groves, and Nederland will all be taking things to a much higher level this week. The enthusiasm, motivation, and spirit of the fans, students, teachers, coaches, football players, bands, drill teams, cheerleading squads, and all others somehow associated with this game are going to be the deciding factors. Nederland could walk in and beat us 77-0 like YankeeDawg said, or the Indians could "take the Bulldogs to the woodshed" as some on the PN-G site have put it. There's any number of ways this game could go down, but one thing's for certain: both sides must take the other seriously.

    That being said:

    Do I hope the Indians will win? As always.

    Do I think the Indians will win? Only because we're playing at the Reservation this year.

    As always, it's gonna be a heck of a game no matter what the outcome.

    Go Indians.

    Excellent post BandKid. 

  4. 77-0  Nederland !!   :o

    PNG throws in the towel after being totally dominated by the Dawgs in the first half !!

    Thought that would get ya'lls attention!!!  ;D ;D ;D

    Seriously, The only thing I can say is that it's MCM...and althought the Dogs are obviously not the favorites, anything can happen.  In any event, the new reservation will be rocking like never before come next Friday night. Good luck to both teams and hope for no further injuries to either side. 

    Now where the hedoublel is my tylenol !?!?

  5. Sorry, I couldn't resist ;D  But I hope someone comes up with a better plan than shutting the gates!  That's a lot of dollars standing outside (tickets, consessions, programs)

    Hum, I think you may have figured out a way for them to build a bigger stadium.  Stand outside the gates and sell food, programs plus rent lawn chairs.  I don't think that would be violating the fire code since the spectators would be outside the stadium.

    Also, can you imagine how much a "mother" would pay for a ticket to watch her baby boy play football.

    Can you all say PRICELESS!  For everything else there is mastercard...he he  


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