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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. I tried to attach a picture of the stadium.  It looks fairly small but there is a lot of standing room...he he!

    Does anyone else find it funny that Livingston is worried about a fire code violation for an out door event?

    Is that you in that picture?

    Yes Sir it is.


    Is that you in the pic bad dog? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;DLOL

    Yes, but I've been sick.

    Not foaming at the mouth I hope!!  :o  ;D

  2. Oops, I almost forgot to put something funny on here--the Ladies should like this one... ;D

    He said to me.... Why are married women heavier than single women?

    I said to him . .. . Single women come home, see what's in the fridge and

    go to bed. Married women come home, see what's in bed and go to the

    fridge.     :o     

    I used to have that posted on my ice-box...then my wife saw it!!! ;D

  3. Having never played organized football, I would think it's VERY difficult to catch even a pass off a simple route.  The receiver usually knows he's gonna get hit...sometimes viciously at the moment he contacts the ball. I'd imagine it's a combination of focus and brass ones to to be a successful receiver.

    But what do I know, having never played.

  4. Tough game Ned. Bad luck all week just rolled into Friday.

    We (Friendswood) are not as good as this game might suggest, and Ned is not as bad as it might suggest either. We had a really good game, and ALL the bounces went our way. Add that to a 3rd string QB and it was a slaughter.

    I have been on the other side, it ain't' fun. I wish you luck the rest of the year, and truly hope none of your guys are hurt. Good luck.

    Ya ll have an awesome kicker though, wish we had him.

    Nice to read a post with some class to it... :)

  5. Yeah NDN they are big and fast, but fumbles are killing us.  Can't give a good team great field position and expect to compete.

    This is true, fumbles are a killer in this game. BTW....a shout out to the poster giving me negative Karma's.  What, a PNG fan can't support Nederland? C'mon....ridiculous!

    Some folks just don't get it Warrior.  PNG/NED has a very special relationship which alot of outsiders probably can't understand. and us Nederland fans appreciate your support.  Thanks.  You get a + karma from me too!!

  6. I hate to break up the love fest, but this is a prediction forum rght?  I predict the MUSTANGS by 21.

    2 predictions for yall:

    I'll go with that prediction Friends by 21. Afterall, I hear the CO Wilson quarterback is getting reps with the high school varsity.

    IF the Dogs prevail I predict the Fan does his/her usual disappearing act.  ;D

    Good luck to both teams and LEAVE BRITNEY OUR QUARTERBACK ALONE.  :P


    They told me Courtney was starting tonight!!! That's why the 21 point prediction.  She doesn't throw near as well as Brit..

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