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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. I think a lot of people have gotten off point from the original topic of this post. It was simply an encouraging remark made from an Odessa Permian fan for the PN-G fans.This O.P. fan was saying to PN-G fans that he thought we had a great coachand that the coach would help PN-G to turn things around. This fan was extending his hopes for PN-G to have a great season. This fan was being a polite and encouraging individual, and I think more of us should be that way.

    I try 79....I try..

    I think I've been fairly supportive on here with my comments. ANd with the exception of THE ONE GAME each year, I pretty much root for the Indians to win.

  2. Envy is the name of the game here for some of these. They have been nothing but wrong so far, as we are heading into district 3-0. Enjoy being wrong for the rest of the year.

    I don't really think its envy as much as it is uncertainty. I am still not convinced PNG is as good as some think they are. I mean theyve played three pretty weak opponents thus far and squeaked by two of them. Texas City is not the powerhouse they once were. District is going to be a rude awakening I feel. Good luck to the ndns, but dont let that head swell too much... 

    My point exactly.  I, for one, would rather just quietly take care of our own business and not rant about being 3-0, or whatever.  I'm excited about the direction of our program, but have no huge expectations for this season.  As long as we compete, and play our best, then that's all one could ask of a 1st yr. coach/program.  Anything above that is just lagniappe'.   

    Everything considered, the Indian community, is at least psycologically leaps and bounds over where they were last year at this point, IMO.  If I remember correctly last year at this time everything was a big NEGATIVE.  That has turned around 180 degrees.  With that being said, district is where PNG is going to have to prove themselves.  With everything in place as it currently is, I foresee an exceptional year for the IndianNation as a whole.

  3. Unless you saw the game youd think that these two teams were evenly matched. However thats way off. They were getting physically beaten up and started acting like thugs, late hits and lips that wouldnt stop moving. Glad our guys kept their composure and didnt stoop to that level. Their tying TD was a major push off, and one of our last drives had a bad interference call that was missed. #12 was offsides on those blocks, but somehow we managed to show how much better we are, beating TC along with all the other things. When youre fighting a zebra and a stingray its hard to get both at once  ;D ;D ;D

    WOW...they sound like a fun group to play against...the best way to handle that kinda crap is just the way ya'll did...Send them home losers and cryin on the bus ride back.  ;D

  4. PNG'S offense didn't seem to be firing on all cylinders last night in my opinion. The D was playing their A game. I think if the O was on top of its game it would have been a blow out. The ref's were some of the worse I have ever seen in a football game. TC did nothing but hold all night long on both sides of the ball. The TC TD in the endzone, pass, their reciever pushed off big time and the ref was right there and didn't call it. Their was a few scuffles on the field as well. Talked to one of the players this morning and he said their team was mouthing off and crap like that. One of the fights was created by the TC player with a very late hit and a shove on the PNG player. The refs called it a off setting penalty, BS !!!! It looked like to me the TC player was throwing punches at the PNG player. The refs totally sucked and I hope no one in our district gets these inept refs for any of their games. These refs need to go home and hang up their officiating wardrobe !!!  The kid from TC who blocked all those kicks was lined up offsides. I was down at the endzone when one was blocked and the kid was about a half yard over the ball. His head and shoulders were both blocking the view of the ball and yet the ref didn't call it !!!  No excuses for the game, but dang that officiating crew really was bad !!!

    "their team was mouthing off and crap like that." This must be a common thing for teams from this area, I remember LaMarque doing the same thing to Lumberton, including the fans, in the playoffs year before last. The good thing is, you guys took it to them like we did, kind of like, what goes around comes around. Good win guys.  :)

    Almost forgot, that's two 20-4A teams, including scrimmage, to play TC right and TC is O-fer.  ;D

    The stripes are probably used to the "thug mentality" so it's no big deal to them.

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