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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. Yankee Dawg, I'm glad you are back. I've missed your posts. I normally get tired of the PNG bashing, but its been quiet lately. I guess we had to set ourselves up for it. ;D

    LOL...Thanks....all in good fun Shovelhead.  All kidding aside, ya'll are blessed to have such a beautiful stadium...even the locker room is first class.

  2. More than AROD!

    I would hope so !!!

    A-Roid pales in comparison to these 2 STARS!!!  I know inflation comes into play but based on Admins' figures he earns more than 25 times what Joey D and TW earned.  But then again, a beer at The Stadium now costs more than twice what a box seat ticket cost in the late 60's !!!

    Even from a social standpoint...Joey D had MM...A-roid has kate hudson (at least for this month).  ;D

  3. Did anyone take a look at our new locker room? SWEET! i love the saying on the wall


      "The Reservation, where only Indians get out alive"

    yeah, but i like the one about the "atheletes" better. ;D i bet that's already been fixed. someone's getting some major ribbing on that one.

    The contractor was from Nederland.

    ;D ;D ;D

    He moved to Nederland AFTER graduating from PNG where he acquired his spelling skills.  ;D  He wanted his kids to learn how to spell.  ;D ;)

  4. Bluedove falls back....he shoots...HE SCORES!!! AND THATS THE GAME!!!!  :D :D

    He posed a GREAT question, and no one seems willing to give a straight answer to it.....Wonder why? ::)

    I personally don't know what color anyones skin is.......wait, take that back, I believe Gabe is Mexican. Also, to be a moderator I think...(pretty sure)...almost positive, you have to obey the posted rules. Unfortunately, that leaves out the two guys that I know are black.........sorry Dove and Dick   ;D

    Hippy..how do you know for sure??  They could be posing..maybe they are just SETX rednecks like the rest of us...Oh wait..I'm a Yankee..that don't count.. ;D

  5. Who is "them" ??   Who's  oppressed??    And how??

    (a) moderators (b)guests © taking away our rights to express our concerns on subjects that matter to the guests on the forum.

    FORUM:  a public meeting place for open discussion c: a medium (as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas.

    FASCISM: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

    The moderators are trying to keep things respectful. If people would stop making things personal, a race issue, or both, there wouldn't be any locked or deleted threads.

    Okay, how many Black moderators do we have versus white ones?

    You must have a very sophisticated, state-of-the art computer to see an individual's skin color on it. Mine can't do that  ::)

    ::shaking my head::  I really didn't think that a thread discussing a lottery winner would turn into yet another racial issue..  :(

    What is the point of even asking that question??  Are you THAT concerned about it >>  I'd suggest talk to the owner/administrator of this forum and express your concerns.

    In the meantime though

    I'll try my best to see if I can find a thread topic that cannot be spun to involve race...(is that possible) ??

  6. Who is "them" ??   Who's  oppressed??    And how??

    (a) moderators (b)guests © taking away our rights to express our concerns on subjects that matter to the guests on the forum.

    FORUM:  a public meeting place for open discussion c: a medium (as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas.

    FASCISM: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

    2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control

    Do you honestly feel that an individual posting on this board cannot express his/her opinion without being "oppressed" (refer to the definition in your post))  by a moderator?

    I think the mods are quite generous when it comes to letting us express ourselves.  I do agree with them however, when it gets to be a personal attack/vulgarity/ and the like that the thread should be locked or removed.  That, in my opinion, is for the benefit of all posters.  This is not the place for that kind of behavior.  That is stipulated in the forum rules.

    I don't recall ever seeing a thread locked or removed for  spirited posting as long as it is within the boundaries of the rules  Just like in government, in schools, in the workplace in church and so on, there has to be  structure and control to make it work properly.

  7. Pay off bills and set up my kids for college

    Visit the Vatican

    Overthrow the current athletic structure in PA:  Payoff Bouttee, run off X-Box Kenny, build a new stadium and coach the Titans for free....

    If I can't do the above item then go on a world tour of the best strip clubs/nude resorts in the world.....

    and while you're there...you'd take  thousands of pictures to post for your buddies on this forum who didn't win squat!!!  ;D

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