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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. Well, its a very militant group, and that part I dont necessarily agree with. You can achieve your goal and get your point across, but I think you just have to be smart about how you do it...Kill them with education and knowledge...You don't HAVE to be militant, just calculated and smart...Know what you are speaking of, use facts, and present your case...Thats what I believe in.

    Did you actually say  uuhhh type that??  :o :o  

    I'm getting all choked up here Mr. V...I actually agree 100% with what you just typed.  :'(

    So I'm going to get off the board...and go back to work with a good feeling in my heart.   ;D

    Nice chatting with you guys.   ;)

  2. Thats not their war...Its about George W and his greed and millions have been killed for that....And you people LOVE this bum so much... ::) ::)

    If they are American citizens, it is there war...maybe they just don't have a big enough sack to fight a REAL war.  After all, they shoot back over there and use real bullets.  They may get hurt.

    You GO YANKEEDAWG......glad to see your rolling up your sleeves and jumpin in!!!    ;)

    Hey Hippy..just killing time on break...you're doing fine on your own so I'm gonna leave you and Mr. Vitale hashing this out.  Please..let's all be cool. 
  3. I am not taking up for them, I just understand where they stand...Racists have pushed SOME blacks around for far too long...They are just there to ensure that the scales of justice and equality are balanced. Nothing wrong with that.

    So although you understand their plight, you don't necessarily agree with the means they are taking to achieve their goal.  OK...that makes sense.  Now how would YOU, as a black man, suggest they reach their goal of ensuring justice and equality?  

    With some of the actions I've seen/heard about the NBPP tactics (intimidation/threats etc.) it seems to me that they are nothing more than a self-serving group who wants to gain media attention...and money from other blacks as black representation (case in point:the Laday case). Similar to an extent to the "reverend"  up North who cares nothing more than lining his pockets with black folks money and 15 minutes of fame weekly in the media.

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  must be turning in his grave...::smh::

  4. First I will address hippie: I am not saying that you should live in poverty stricken or low income areas if you dont have to, I am asking why minorities are not, and have not been welcomed in those above mentioned communities...Example: do you know a realtor told a certain white basketball coach that had just taken a job and was looking for housing some 11 months ago that "you dont have to worry about blacks here in Lumberton"?  He picked up his things and left. THAT HAPPENED.  So don't act like those places have "changed".

    Now for my friend bearbryant: My parents always taught me to judge no one, but evaluate everyone, and thats what I do...I am the SAME in person, that I am on here...I fear no man....I can say what I want..Nothing you can do about it...I am NOT expressing hate, I am stating facts and some opinions about how I feel about this issue..Does not mean that I am racist...I just tell it like it is...Furthermore, the NBPP is NOT anti-white, they are for uplifting the black race and ensuring that blacks are treated fairly...No hate. I said that I DO NOT AGREE WITH EVERYTHING THEY STAND FOR, but I do understand what they are ultimately trying to do....Balance the scales...

    And by saying that they will tear Lumberton to the ground exemplifies that??   That sound a bit more than uplifting and treating fairly..Actually it reeks of HATE!!!  If their intent is to obtain justice for Laday, woulden't it be a bit overboard to threaten to destroy an entire town,  full of innocent folks who had absolutely nothing to do with what happened?? 

    I must have missed your reply to this Dick V..

  5. :D WE meaning blacks...not we as in members of the NBPP! Did any violence occur in Lumberton? No, but they got the message...IF wrong doing had been done, which is was proven that it had not...They got the message though. ;)

    I think the reason why no action was taken against that threat would be fairly obvious to most people.  So you are agreeing it's acceptable to make one's point clear through threats and intimidations?

  6. The New BPP is racist and no matter how much you try to whitewash (no pun intended) what they stand for it doesn't change the fact that they are avowed racist.  Its too easy to research their words and their actions. 

    AND I said that I did not agree with THOSE type of actions....They feel that whites cannot be trusted, and I disagree with that..There are whites, blacks, jews, protestants, catholics, atheists, and so on that can't be trusted! I do however understand their FUNDAMENTAL purpose and its not to hate the white man....Its stop letting racists kick you around because we are not standing for that..Its just that simple.

    Exactly why does Quannel "XYZ to the A"  have 6 or 7 guys dressed like G.I. Joe hanging with him if he's all about peace??

    I N T I M I D A T I O N

    They should join the Marines..let them loose in Afghanistan ot Iraq..Let's see how tough they are over there.

  7. First I will address hippie: I am not saying that you should live in poverty stricken or low income areas if you dont have to, I am asking why minorities are not, and have not been welcomed in those above mentioned communities...Example: do you know a realtor told a certain white basketball coach that had just taken a job and was looking for housing some 11 months ago that "you dont have to worry about blacks here in Lumberton"?  He picked up his things and left. THAT HAPPENED.  So don't act like those places have "changed".

    Now for my friend bearbryant: My parents always taught me to judge no one, but evaluate everyone, and thats what I do...I am the SAME in person, that I am on here...I fear no man....I can say what I want..Nothing you can do about it...I am NOT expressing hate, I am stating facts and some opinions about how I feel about this issue..Does not mean that I am racist...I just tell it like it is...Furthermore, the NBPP is NOT anti-white, they are for uplifting the black race and ensuring that blacks are treated fairly...No hate. I said that I DO NOT AGREE WITH EVERYTHING THEY STAND FOR, but I do understand what they are ultimately trying to do....Balance the scales...

    And by saying that they will tear Lumberton to the ground exemplifies that??   That sound a bit more than uplifting and treating fairly..Actually it reeks of HATE!!!  If their intent is to obtain justice for Laday, woulden't it be a bit overboard to threaten to destroy an entire town,  full of innocent folks who had absolutely nothing to do with what happened?? 

  8. I'm out of the loop...can someone explain to me what was said about Nederland being 3rd class, bullfrogs, and Fitz talking about being bored. I'm from the GT I'm just wondering. Great job Nederland!!!

    Not sure on the 3rd class thing. Fitz claimed they were bored with the teams they had played (since they were so good). A couple years ago, our football team played in Friendswood and the programs they sell at games, had us listed as the Bullfrogs.......Ribbit

    What I wanna know is:  How can a bunch of 3rd class Bullfrogs, from the poor lil GT town of Nederland, beat the mighty, 1st class, wealthy suburban mustangs from Friendswood??

    Wait...I know the answer:It's called HEART, giving 110% at all times and having the determination to be the best they can be....and talking with their actions, not their words.

    Congratulations again to Coach Robbins, his staff and each young man on the Bulldogs team who has busted his tail all season long.


  9. I'm out of the loop...can someone explain to me what was said about Nederland being 3rd class, bullfrogs, and Fitz talking about being bored. I'm from the GT I'm just wondering. Great job Nederland!!!

    Not sure on the 3rd class thing. Fitz claimed they were bored with the teams they had played (since they were so good). A couple years ago, our football team played in Friendswood and the programs they sell at games, had us listed as the Bullfrogs.......Ribbit

    Checkout the classless one at about 0:25 seconds into this clip...  

    This is the hidden content, please

    I wonder how he's spending his Friday night??  Probably crying in his beer....Oh well.... ;D

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