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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. Just let this one go...The "perfect" people of SE Texas will never stop judging people...let them be...The Lumberton PD did no wrong and quite frankly I am glad about that.  Laday's mother is in denial about the situation, yes, and should STOP doing what she is doing, but how would some of you "perfect" people from SE Texas like to walk a mile in her shoes right now? Let it go.

    I just pray that Qball-X  stops poisoning everyone with his blabbering.  He is serving no useful purpose with his presence in this sad situation.

    Leave the Ladays' alone...leave SETX alone...

    Let things work out rationally, based on facts,  without any more spewing hatred and inciting racial strife...we have enough of that garbage already. 

  2. i read the autopsy report, and it only appeared that he had superficial cuts and scrapes.  how are they going to beat him to death without breaking any of his bones, or causing any mentionable damage to a vital organ?

    There not.......besides a police officer can use reasonable force to secure a suspect. What is reasonable force to a guy on PCP?

    reasonable force ---->  2.gif

  3. Under Obama's watch, a terrorist ring is stopped in NYC. Yall feel a little safer now?

    Are you talking about the FBI sting with the fake explosives and missile that were intended to be used to blow up 2 synagogues and shoot a plane outta the sky ?

    That's quite scary...fortunately they were able to apprehend the 4 idiots involved...I say...waterboard them right in Central Park.   ::)

    They say the FBI have been watching these guys for a year now, so that really puts it back under the last presidents watch.

    That can't be right. That would mean Bush had something positive going on..........Besides, it's a fact, who would believe that!     8)   8)

    I just hope they didnt hurt their feelings when they were arrested.

    I hear they are going to enroll them in Therapy.


  4. This is the hidden content, please

    Any clues as to who these 2 "witnesses" may be??   ::)

    Yeah, Tinkerbell and Wendy.

    LOL.. how much are they getting paid to be "witnesses" and have they had sufficient time to rehearse their story without getting it fouled up????

    That can work on both sides you know!

    Keyword:  CAN

    but have you  seen where LPD is bringing witnesses in who saw the officers NOT beating him??...so yeah...kinda irrelevant.  ;)

  5. Under Obama's watch, a terrorist ring is stopped in NYC. Yall feel a little safer now?

    Are you talking about the FBI sting with the fake explosives and missile that were intended to be used to blow up 2 synagogues and shoot a plane outta the sky ?

    That's quite scary...fortunately they were able to apprehend the 4 idiots involved...I say...waterboard them right in Central Park.   ::)

    This is the hidden content, please

  6. Under Obama's watch, a terrorist ring is stopped in NYC. Yall feel a little safer now?

    Are you talking about the FBI sting with the fake explosives and missile that were intended to be used to blow up 2 synagogues and shoot a plane outta the sky ?

    That's quite scary...fortunately they were able to apprehend the 4 idiots involved...I say...waterboard them right in Central Park.  ::)

  7. Thats not cool man....Her son is dead...Regardless of how all of you "perfect" SE Texans perceive this...Its STILL a tragedy. You should check yourselves....ANY mother would want answers, even if it were something that was self inflicted....She is still a mother who had to bury her son.

    Answers...YES...any parent would.  I would!!

    But the means in which she using to try to get "answers" that suit her convenience...and bank account...NONSENSE.  The results of the autopsy and toxicity are in...deal with it.  Will she continue to search for answers until she hears what she and Clown-X want to hear?? probably so from the looks of it so far.

    How absurb...indicating that the LPD may have shot up her son with PCP...Plleeeease..... ::)

    The poor woman is being puppeted by Clown-X..she, as many others have,  has fallen victim to the hate-spewing agitation of  C-X, trying to manipulate the situation for his own publicity..and financial gain.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  must be turning in his grave seeing what this alleged civil rights activist is doing.  >:(

  8. Remember Laday had no reason to run............................oh yeah except for the fact that he was on PCP!!!!!!! ::) ::) ::)

    They will claim that LPD forced him to ingest PCP..then beat his face with a steering wheel    ::)  They wll then claim that the effects of the tazer triggered under stress on his heart already agitated by PCP  (that the LPD FORCED him to ingest).  Hence, the cops killed him.   ::)

    I didn't seriously think they would try this angle when I posted the above but....

    His mother suspects now that someone may have shot him up with PCP...this is getting ridiculous

    This is the hidden content, please

  9. Okay Dickey X...   You are an apologist for bad behavior... This guy was not a good guy... did you happen to read what the 20 tattoos he had on his body said...   

    If anyone is to blame it is the parents...

    I didnt read anything about the tats, what did they say???

    Read this Venom..the tats thing starts on page 3 of the report...interesting stuff..

    This is the hidden content, please

  10. This is the hidden content, please

    Quanell X's response to the autopsy report!!!!!

    What did you expect him to say??

    He'll go on with his rambling and double-talking until he's convinced everyone (including himself) that Mr. Laday was killed by the LPD.

    What in the hades does slavery have to do with the case at hand??

    I'm beginning to think that Qualude X may have supplied Mr. Laday with PCP, right out of his own stash because he speaks senseless.

  11. What I find that is interesting is his mother's comments in the Beaumont Enterprise. She is quoted as saying that she doesn't care what was in his body, it didn't cause his death and only the cops did.That shows her entire intent in this process. No matter the medical facts, no matter the circumstances, no matter what actually happened.... only that the cops can be shown to be at fault and that nothing that her son did could have contributed to his own death.

    It looks to me as if a person died entirely of his own actions and the family is attempting to take his self induced accidental death and trying to turn him into a martyr at the expense of the police and to the monetary benefit of the family.

    Sounds to me like Qualude X has helped poison this poor woman's mind in the quest for a $$$ settlement.

    I surely hope LPD doesn't cave in and give them a payoff to shut them up.

    Why would they pay them off to shut up if they now have some evidence that they did nothing wrong???

    From what she said in the Enterprise, I don't see this going away anytime soon.  Maybe they are hoping that if they keep it in the media  (with X's help) that LPD will get to the point where they will come to a settlement just to make it go away.   It has worked in other cases...and afterall...Q X  doesn't work for free  ;)

  12. What I find that is interesting is his mother's comments in the Beaumont Enterprise. She is quoted as saying that she doesn't care what was in his body, it didn't cause his death and only the cops did.That shows her entire intent in this process. No matter the medical facts, no matter the circumstances, no matter what actually happened.... only that the cops can be shown to be at fault and that nothing that her son did could have contributed to his own death.

    It looks to me as if a person died entirely of his own actions and the family is attempting to take his self induced accidental death and trying to turn him into a martyr at the expense of the police and to the monetary benefit of the family.

    Sounds to me like Qualude X has helped poison this poor woman's mind in the quest for a $$$ settlement.

    I surely hope LPD doesn't cave in and give them a payoff to shut them up.

  13. If someone who is under the influence is at a greater risk to be seriously injured or even killed by a taser.... like the guy in LM as well as LaDay, do you think we could see some legislation calling tasers deadly force?

    Good question...maybe law enforcement will be required to ask a suspect if they are messed up on drugs..If they say yes, they can't be tasered...If they say no...fire away.  ::)

    IMO  if you're under the influence and break the law..."too bad...so sad"  as to the outcome.

  14. Remember Laday had no reason to run............................oh yeah except for the fact that he was on PCP!!!!!!! ::) ::) ::)

    They will claim that LPD forced him to ingest PCP..then beat his face with a steering wheel    ::)  They wll then claim that the effects of the tazer triggered under stress on his heart already agitated by PCP  (that the LPD FORCED him to ingest).  Hence, the cops killed him.   ::)

    I didn't seriously think they would try this angle when I posted the above but....

    His mother suspects now that someone may have shot him up with PCP...this is getting ridiculous

    This is the hidden content, please

  15. Mr. X could not be reached for comment    ::)   :o

    Imagine that!!  I'm sure the buffoon will eventually still have some hateful, idiotic comments to spew forth about this...like the LPD caused his TCP levels to rise to a dangerous level and that killed him...And the "brutal beatings" about his face..charge the LPD because his faced smashed the steering wheel.

    I feel for the Laday family though...now in addition to losing a son from drug abuse, they have been embarrased by this Qualude X clown.

    Wonder what other peaceful community he's gonna threaten to tear down to the ground?? ::)

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