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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. I'm not griping about needing new schools, I'm commenting on the need to maintain what we've got with the budget that we have.  It's got to come from somewhere, I named the three likely places we will be getting money from to maintain the struggling facilities that we have.  Not sure where your attack is coming from, these are the facts.  The money has to come from somewhere, there is no maintenance money tree out back of the administration building, we'll have to find the money in other places.

    Nederland teachers make about $5000 a year more than I do, once again we would kill for another $5000. We are at pretty much state pay. ( The way you keep paying teachers past 20 years would give me an additional $9000 a year.)

    Nederland has about 300 teachers, so if they really want to repair the buildings, take the additional $5000 away until they can pass a new bond. 300x5000= $1,500,000. That could fix some schools....

    YOu  call yourself a teacher??  I'm glad you don't teach my kids with that assanine statement.

    What? Give up pay for the good of the school district?

    I understand it is not enough money to fix the district, but it would go along way to help patch until you can pass a bond....

    Folks in Nederland, I do not think you understand, until you see what I am teaching in, your district is a Taj Mahal....My flag still has 48 stars....Literally....

    The Taj Mahal is due to the people, not the facilities.  It's time the facilities match the people.

    Not really, I am thrilled I don't have to teach Nederland kids, or put up with their parents. I was offered a position in NISD about 20 years ago and I am SO glad I didn't take it. I love my kids, I think I have the best in the area.

    And what seems to be your problem with the kids and parents in NISD ??  (and how is this relative to the bond issue ?)

  2. Nederland City Council 1 -- 40 of 100 precincts reporting (40%)

    Place 1

    Ortiz 818 56% 

    Bernard 650 44% 

    Nederland City Council 3 -- 40 of 100 precincts reporting (40%)

    Place 3

    Albanese 959 60% 

    Sonnier 635 40% 

    Nederland ISD at large -- 40 of 100 precincts reporting (40%)

    At Large (elect 3)

    Sanderson 1,291 25% 

    Branick 1,174 23% 

    Bruney 994 19% 

    Hawkins 750 14% 

    Byrd 722 14% 

    Atterbury 281 5% 

    Nederland School Bond -- 40 of 100 precincts reporting (40%)

    Against 2,092 81% 

    For 501 19%

    Any chance that the remaining 60 precints that have not reported (as of the time of your post) can possibly swing the outcome?  Do we know what those precints are and their location??

    I cannot believe it is so one-sided... :-[

  3. If "qualifications" was an issue, then Obama would not be the president.

    I am not knocking his win nor failing to acknowledge that he is the fair and square winner. Being elected doesn't mean that someone is the "most qualified" but someone that hopefully more people agree with on opinions.

    There were certainly way more "qualified" candidates that were Democrats than Obama. They had their shot and lost. So did the GOP in the general election. Does not being as qualified as some other person negate the winner's legitimacy or the fact that the person ran on a ticket?

    If so, we need to stop selecting our party nominees by primaries and caucuses and appoint a blue ribbon panel to list the people according to "qualifications". In the name of objectivity, we could even scale it by giving points for such things as:

    1. Prior Senate/House experience.

    2. Prior state level experience.

    3. Cabinet experience.

    4. Committee chairmanship experience.

    5. College Degree(s).

    6. Etc.

    That way we could get the "most qualified" candidate and not simply the most popular.

    History and everyday events tells us that most individuals are selected based on their popularity or who they know. Or better known as the good ole boy system.

    Sad...and unfortunately very very true.  Be it from little kids playing sports, to making the HS cheerleading team all the way on thru life, many "more qualified" individuals fall to the bottom of the barrel because they don't hang with the in-crowd, play up to their peers, have the right connections, or maybe not have the attractive physical appearance that is wrongly deemed as a "qualification" (other than for positions that REQUIRE good looks).

  4. Ohio Governor Ted Strickland ordered an investigation, through the Ohio Department of Commerce, of Samuel Wurzelbacher during the election. Mr. Wurzelbacher woke up one morning to find people digging through his trash for absolutely no reason. If that was during the election, I can't imagine what this man has had to deal with since the election. If this is true, he probably renounced his position within the GOP just to stop the harrassment. We also don't know how much business he lost from avid Obama supporters.

    And I bet you think Palin could run the country, don't you?

    Her resume looks a lot better than Obamas

    Really? Now what is her educational background?

    She is a college grad. 

    However, her executive experience is a Governor for 2 years and a Mayor for 10 years.  He has no executive experience.

    Plus the fact that she has a fairly nice...uuuhhhh... ;D

    she is hot!

    As much as I thought Gomer Pyle was dumb, his cousin Goober was dumber.......too many of you think with your third leg too much. ;)

    You don't agree that she does have a nice smile Dove??   And Ouch!! that remark hurt!! :'( 

    She's nice to look at but I equate it to once I look past the looks, how much money can she bring home to help pay for the bills ::)

    That all depends what she does at her "after hours" job...hence the good looks would possibly come very much in handy.  ;D

    BTW Dove, I'm not that bad that I would decide my vote based on looks...I DID vote for McCain after all.

    And another BTW...your Gomer/Goober comment really did crack me up.. ;D ;D

  5. Ohio Governor Ted Strickland ordered an investigation, through the Ohio Department of Commerce, of Samuel Wurzelbacher during the election. Mr. Wurzelbacher woke up one morning to find people digging through his trash for absolutely no reason. If that was during the election, I can't imagine what this man has had to deal with since the election. If this is true, he probably renounced his position within the GOP just to stop the harrassment. We also don't know how much business he lost from avid Obama supporters.

    And I bet you think Palin could run the country, don't you?

    Her resume looks a lot better than Obamas

    Really? Now what is her educational background?

    She is a college grad. 

    However, her executive experience is a Governor for 2 years and a Mayor for 10 years.  He has no executive experience.

    Plus the fact that she has a fairly nice...uuuhhhh... ;D

    she is hot!

    As much as I thought Gomer Pyle was dumb, his cousin Goober was dumber.......too many of you think with your third leg too much. ;)

    You don't agree that she does have a nice smile Dove??  And Ouch!! that remark hurt!! :'( 

  6. Do YOU think that the majority of white America (particularly in SE Texas) voted AGAINST Obama because of a) his race, or B) his platform?

    While we wait for Stang's reply, take a read.  Interesting article...don't you agree?

    This is the hidden content, please

    Oh so kind.  Thank you for patience!

    Quite honestly, I think that there were as many black people who voted for Barack Obama because he was black as there were white people who voted against him because he was black. 

    Barack Obama was not elected by any one particular group of voters.  Sure, he had lots of black votes, but he also had lots of YOUNG VOTES, and contrary to what some think...WHITE VOTES.  You can look at the red states and basically kind of deduce your own opinion of why those people in those states (well, at least the majority of people in those states) voted the way they did.  The good ole' south, right?  It's just refreshing to see us get over this hump.

    Aaahhh..no problem..I didn't have plans tonight anyway. ;D

    Actually Stang, I disagree with you on your first point.  I think there were far more whites who voted against him because of race than blacks who voted for him because of race.  (it's kinda misleading though because from a actual number standpoint  blacks represent  like what 13-14 percent of the total U.S. population at last count).  On your second point I agree fully. Obviously, many many whites were disgusted with the previous admin and wanted change...big change and many whites saw Obama as  the fresh face so to speak, to bring those changes about.  I think it was a given, right from the start that he would get the black vote but I was a bit surprised at the number of whites who voted him..As someone pointed out in another post, I also believe that Palin caused the GOP to lose many votes and McCain's age and public demeanor didn't serve the Repubs cause well either.  Personally, I had a very difficult time deciding my vote.  What basically swung my vote was his stances on several important personal issue including abortion...not the fact that he is black.  I wouldn't care if the Dems had a white, Italian, New York candidate, who was pro-choice running, I would still vote his opponent (pro-life, of course).  I tend to agree with your thought on the good ol south philosophy but...some things  never change. As a Yankee, that still somewhat amazes me because growing up in New York, I was never exposed to the segregation/good ol boy thing ( I grew up in a racially mixed neighborhood and had blacks, whites (of all nationalities) and  different Hispanic nationalities as friends.  Our kids have been raised to respect people of all races and not to judge others on anything other than the "content of their character".  My daughter for example just recently returned from an 11 day mission trip to Kenya...she plans on returning to Kenya or posibly Uganda next year. OK,  I'll shut up now.  :-X

    Although I oppose a number of Obama's philosophies (As I have other  Democrat presidents/candidates in the past),  I do and will continue to respect him as the President of my Country.

  7. Give me a break... ???

    The comments above are the exact reason that many did not vote for Palin and the exact reason that she was on the ballot to begin with.  It had nothing with her experience. Quite honestly, it was insulting that the GOP powers-that-be who chose her thought that women were not smart enough to realize that they were dangling Palin in front of them hoping to win the presidency. 

    I have to say that I may agree with an earlier statement concerning the voting of SE Texans (at least most of them). :o

    Stang...honest opinion.....do you think that the majority of African Americans country wide who voted for Obama did so because of A) his race or B) his platform.

  8. Ohio Governor Ted Strickland ordered an investigation, through the Ohio Department of Commerce, of Samuel Wurzelbacher during the election. Mr. Wurzelbacher woke up one morning to find people digging through his trash for absolutely no reason. If that was during the election, I can't imagine what this man has had to deal with since the election. If this is true, he probably renounced his position within the GOP just to stop the harrassment. We also don't know how much business he lost from avid Obama supporters.

    And I bet you think Palin could run the country, don't you?

    Her resume looks a lot better than Obamas

    Really? Now what is her educational background?

    She is a college grad. 

    However, her executive experience is a Governor for 2 years and a Mayor for 10 years.  He has no executive experience.

    Plus the fact that she has a fairly nice...uuuhhhh... ;D

    she is hot!

    YEAH!!!  that too!!!  ;)

  9. Ohio Governor Ted Strickland ordered an investigation, through the Ohio Department of Commerce, of Samuel Wurzelbacher during the election. Mr. Wurzelbacher woke up one morning to find people digging through his trash for absolutely no reason. If that was during the election, I can't imagine what this man has had to deal with since the election. If this is true, he probably renounced his position within the GOP just to stop the harrassment. We also don't know how much business he lost from avid Obama supporters.

    And I bet you think Palin could run the country, don't you?

    Her resume looks a lot better than Obamas

    Really? Now what is her educational background?

    She is a college grad. 

    However, her executive experience is a Governor for 2 years and a Mayor for 10 years.  He has no executive experience.

    Plus the fact that she has a fairly nice...uuuhhhh... ;D

  10. Ohio Governor Ted Strickland ordered an investigation, through the Ohio Department of Commerce, of Samuel Wurzelbacher during the election. Mr. Wurzelbacher woke up one morning to find people digging through his trash for absolutely no reason. If that was during the election, I can't imagine what this man has had to deal with since the election. If this is true, he probably renounced his position within the GOP just to stop the harrassment. We also don't know how much business he lost from avid Obama supporters.

    And I bet you think Palin could run the country, don't you?

    Her resume looks a lot better than Obamas

    Really? Now what is her educational background?

    Bottom lne: Can President Obama kill a moose with one shot??  ;D

  11. By my math, compared to 2005 tax rates, after we pass the bond, taxes go DOWN by approximately 1%... and that's if you assume all 126 are out at the same time, which won't be the case.  If you compare it to the last couple of years very generous rates, then it's a 36% increase.  This is just my simple mind working, but in the end, it's all a matter of how you look at it and probably will be influenced by how you are voting.

    How does that compare to the past year's taxes?  Isn' that like a 50% increase?

    Not nit-picking, but isn't the figure $120.3  million?  or did I miss read something??  If they have $5.7 million up in the air, I'll help take some of it off their hands...

  12. I can get more than the county assessment. The insurance has the value 17,000 more than the tax appraisal. Market value lies between the two numbers.

    The bottom line, vote yes or no! Most folks that vote no, its about the money. But if this fails, there will be another proposal, the needs to not go away. Higher taxes either way.

    If busineesess move out because higher taxes so be it. where are they goingto go. Lumberton??? They have the highest taxes in SETX. Port Arthur, too much competition. Ask Primueaxs and others that moved out of Nederland to compete with the big populated towns/cities, they did not last long. Port Neches would be an option small town, but did'nt they just pass a multi million dollar bond!

    After Saturday it will be behind us and we need to move forward, yes or no, we need to come together and help our biggest asset/businees (our schools) to be successful.

    So the county is actually coming out behind in tax revenue on your proprty if I understand you correctly?  Geeez...wish I was that fortunate.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't PN receive tax revenue from the plants located there as does PA.

    Yes we do, but Robin Hood forces us to give 15 million a year back to the state to help support schools like Nederland.

    But you still come out better in the long run, from a property tax basis, don't you.  Just wondering.

    P.S.  Thanks for the support..every little bit helps.  ;D 

  13. I can get more than the county assessment. The insurance has the value 17,000 more than the tax appraisal. Market value lies between the two numbers.

    The bottom line, vote yes or no! Most folks that vote no, its about the money. But if this fails, there will be another proposal, the needs to not go away. Higher taxes either way.

    If busineesess move out because higher taxes so be it. where are they goingto go. Lumberton??? They have the highest taxes in SETX. Port Arthur, too much competition. Ask Primueaxs and others that moved out of Nederland to compete with the big populated towns/cities, they did not last long. Port Neches would be an option small town, but did'nt they just pass a multi million dollar bond!

    After Saturday it will be behind us and we need to move forward, yes or no, we need to come together and help our biggest asset/businees (our schools) to be successful.

    So the county is actually coming out behind in tax revenue on your proprty if I understand you correctly?  Geeez...wish I was that fortunate.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't PN receive tax revenue from the plants located there as does PA.

  14. No you just have to have a stronger opinion than anyone else's and be ready to lock threads, ban posters if they disagree and delete accounts.  In other words, judge and jury.  Are you ready for that?  There are good moderators and there are self titled ENFORCERS!!

    This is a privately owned site paid for with private money. The owner of the site has chosen a few moderators to help police the site. In doing so the owner has laid down rules (in this very thread) for everyone and in private discussions, rules for the moderators doing their jobs.

    This site is not a public service and is private. All rules and all moderators remain at the discretion of the owner. There is no right to freedom of speech on a private forum like this one. If a moderator starts deleting posts or banning members simply on a whim against the rules for moderators, that moderator will be removed by the owner.

    From what I've seen on this board, the mods are VERY fair and patient with posters expressing their opinions and thoughts, even though at times the posts may appear to be "stretching the limits".  They do a fine job and don't lock threads unless it has gotten to the point of where it is about to get out of hand.  From personal experience, I've logged several posts a while back where the language was inappropriate and as a result, received  polite PM's from moderators reminding me of that rule. No hard feelings...no ban...no account deleted.  Just use common sense and be respectful of (not necessarily agreeing with) others opinions.

  15. When ever there is the smell of fresh sh*t.... the blowfies swarm

    Quanell X, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jasckso, Black Panthers.....

    Someone please hand me the spray!

    LOL..great quote...I gotta remember that one for when the inlaws are over!!  ;D

    BTW  I saw that the autopsy report is inconclusive..The JP said they will have to wait for the toxicology report findings which can take up to 3 weeks...Maybe the panthers should make reservations so they won't miss anything  ::) .  Any 5 star hotels in that area??

  16. Maybe so Dawgnut...but it does give one something else to think about.  Let's just hope it never gets to that point so we won't have to find out

    Looking at it from the other side of the coin...I'm curious as to whether if,  for whatever reason,  home values increase , is there anything in place to cap the total tax dollars paid out by a homeowner or is the homeowner subjected to pay the tax rate on whatever amount the home is appraised at.  If not, it appears very open-ened with no limit on what a home owner would be responsible for.  That turns out to be a double whammy, i.e a increased tax rate on an increased valuation.  Also, from personal experience and from talking to co-workers and friends, a home's taxable valuation is in virtually all cases, considerably higher that it's actual market (selling) value.  

  17. Is "X" his real last name??   Or just the way he signs his Police arrest reports??

    Maybe LPD racially profiled his vehicle??   ::)  If I read the story correctly he was wandering around a credit union...at 3 something in the morning.  I would think that any law enforcement unit would want to question an individual doing that...white, black or in between.  Should be an interesting kinda day for the good folks in Lumberton.

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