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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. Where are you getting that a turf field needs to be replaced after 10 years? Just wondering. I would think that if the field was maintained properly it would last longer than that.

    Maintained -  ;D

    I have spoken with companies who install the turf and have googled the heck out of information on press boxes and field turf. All reports indicate 10 years average life for field turf. Maybe 12 years, if, like you say, well maintained, but hey, I thought the idea was to install turf to cut down on expense. With all the abuse being reported on our current grass field I'd guess the field turf wont make it 5 years!!! ;D ;D Again, what does it matter, 10 years, 2 years, 15 years, how does it get paid for! We can't pay for stuff now as it is..... Now that I mention it just how big a press box do we need again, I found out 500 square feet and you don't need an elevator. visitor side, home side, both 500 square feet in size, nice, looks great, serves the purpose of room for both teams. Come on, draw the line, pass the bond, vote yes.

    How big is PNG's ??

    Looks like it is big enough to hold the remaining fans inside it after a Nederland victory over PNG... ;)

    LOL...why did I bother to ask.. ::)

    So I'm guessing our proposed press box is going to be at least the size of PNG's ?

  2. Where are you getting that a turf field needs to be replaced after 10 years? Just wondering. I would think that if the field was maintained properly it would last longer than that.

    Maintained -  ;D

    I have spoken with companies who install the turf and have googled the heck out of information on press boxes and field turf. All reports indicate 10 years average life for field turf. Maybe 12 years, if, like you say, well maintained, but hey, I thought the idea was to install turf to cut down on expense. With all the abuse being reported on our current grass field I'd guess the field turf wont make it 5 years!!! ;D ;D Again, what does it matter, 10 years, 2 years, 15 years, how does it get paid for! We can't pay for stuff now as it is..... Now that I mention it just how big a press box do we need again, I found out 500 square feet and you don't need an elevator. visitor side, home side, both 500 square feet in size, nice, looks great, serves the purpose of room for both teams. Come on, draw the line, pass the bond, vote yes.

    How big is PNG's ??

  3. I saw an image on Lake Charles radar last night around midnight from the NWS that indicated some areas around Baytown/Anuhuac got like 10+ inches of rain.  Was I seeing things or did it actually rain that much over that way.

    It was on the Storm Total Precipitation image...there was a big area that was color coded white.

  4. Who's to say that if the bond isn't voted for the school taxes won't go up anyway. IMO a tax increase is imminent as a means of increasing revenue to do major repair work on the schools and facilities, in the event the bond is not passed.  Somebody tell me if I'm not seeing this in the right light.

  5. Who said that renovation was never considered?  The cost to renovate all four elementary schools was very close to the same amount to rebuild three new ones.  You guys say stop the waste and actually, we agree on that point.  If you spend major money renovating these older schools, then how much time does that buy you?  Say it's 10 years.  Then when you need repairs/renovations, what do you do?  Go back to taxpayers for more money to fix buildings that or now 60 years old or better.  The question becomes, at what pont are you throwing good money after bad.

    As far as the scoreboard goes, you are incorrect.  I often wonder where information like this comes from.  The company, Datatrak, bears the risk of sponsorships being filled up or not, not the schools district.  The other side of that is if they manage to get more sponsorship money than aniticipated, they reap the rewards.  I did take the time to verify this information this morning.  NISD's only cost was for electrical set up and the slab that the sign sits on.  The community is not misguided on this issue at all.

    When you have classes in partitions in the hallroom and have hundreds of students per day going to class in portable buildings, something needs to be done.  Another factor is reliance on window units.  Can you renovate this stuff? Sure, but at what cost?  The numbers and this bond proposal were not just pulled out of thin air saying let's build new schools.  This was studied for quite a while.

    Thanks for clarifying that EMS. That's what I heard fron the onset of talks about getting  the scoreboard.  I was starting to get a bit concerned that maybe I misread/misheard something.

  6. EMS, When the bond committee studied the proposals made by lan walton.Why were no scematics or engineering proposals made available to the committee addressing renovation cost to each of the 4 buildings.Did any committee members think to persue this or were they so taken by the presentation made by ian walton that you did not think it was needed to make an informed decision. The committee was tainted by the number of school district employees and board members on the committee.District maintenance has been poor and very under funded for years. The current administration has not paid the needed attention that these buildings need.These walk thrus have proven the these builds are sound structures and are in need of renovation and not razing as Lan Walton suggest. Here is a prime example of how misguided a community can be. The score board was supposed to be baught and paid for with corporations buying space on the board. Well guess what the money goal was never reached and we the taxpayers are carrying the remainder of its cost. The administration and school board assured us that this would not cost us .Just like the FORD PARK farce are you not tired of the politicians telling you what we need. Make a stand  Vote No !


    How much of the cost was not covered by corporate sponsors??

  7. Suggestion:

    Make the bond a 2 line issue instead of lumping it all together...

    A. $120* million for educational upgrades (3 new elementaryschools, new COW , HS upgrades)

    B. $1.8* million for stadium upgrades

    * (or whatever to proposed figures are)

    Let voters vote for either None, A, B, or both.

    This would make voters feels that in order to have new educational facilities they won't be forced to swallow almost 2 million for stadium upgrades.

    If they want the stadium upgrades they can vote for that line as well.

  8. As awesome as the new stadium looks, it won't have the same feel to it as the original.   I went many times when I was growing up in NY and it gave me chills thinking about the great players who were on that field.

    Now the kids in NY can say I went to the New Yankke Stadium and saw Johnny Damon throw like a girl.  ;D

    Spell Check 101...LOL

    and Damon is throwing like a gal all the way to the bank!!!!  ::)

  9. LOL Warrior...do tell!   Please share with us what "WE"  know!!   ;)

    Awww...Yank.....just messin!  Got it keep it interesting!  ;D  However, really glad to see PNG and Nederland in Spring Training....just sets us a better MCM!

    Yesireeee...it's gonna be a GREAT one this year!!!  Looking forward to visiting the new Reservation...Any idea if the concession stands are gonna have an updated menu??  I'm always looking forward to good eats at a game!!  ;D

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