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Posts posted by YankeeDawg

  1. That is an INTERESTING question, with no negativity implied.  Just curious:  What DOES Neumann have coming through his program?


    He's got a bunch of current fresh/sophs that he's impressed with... lots of em and he wants to take a look.  We've said this before, but the current sophs down through this year's 8th grade are loaded with as much talent as Nederland's ever had... time will tell if it translates to Friday nights.  But, my two cents is we haven't seen groups stacked together like this since the 99 - 02 season. 

    Good Luck to the Dogs this year, except for that one week 186_indian.gif.jpg!

    Ya mean the week we play LCM, Warrior??  ::)

    Ah, now, c'mon Yankee....I'm not gonna 'dis any  team in our district....I think you know what week I'm talkin bout!   ;D

    Uuuhhhh...hhhmmmm......ya mean??  OOooohhh Yeahhhhhh  THAT week!!!!! ;D ;D

  2. That is an INTERESTING question, with no negativity implied.  Just curious:  What DOES Neumann have coming through his program?


    He's got a bunch of current fresh/sophs that he's impressed with... lots of em and he wants to take a look.  We've said this before, but the current sophs down through this year's 8th grade are loaded with as much talent as Nederland's ever had... time will tell if it translates to Friday nights.  But, my two cents is we haven't seen groups stacked together like this since the 99 - 02 season. 

    Good Luck to the Dogs this year, except for that one week 186_indian.gif.jpg!

    Ya mean the week we play LCM, Warrior??  ::)

  3. Prayer is a form of communication with whom ever your God is. It's meant for you and him, no one else. You can pray to God just standing at work. I pray while I'm working. That's what he tells you to do. Go to your private place and pray. When people pray in groups it should be when everyone is on the same accord. If anyone is offended it should not be resumed. God wants no one to be offended. He was totally aware of this mess from the beginning.

    This country in prints "In God we trust" on all of it's currency. The acknowledgment of God has been from the beginning. He'll be God re guardless. The coach could just close his eyes as the team prays, same thing. God will acknowledge him. GOD BLESS

    IMHO  those who are offended by public prayer, should also be offended to use our currency, as it has the word "God" on it.  Maybe I can start bartering with those I trade with who are offended by prayer and God.  I'd hate to upset anyone or infringe on someone's rights.  ::)

  4. Constitutional rights easily overrides ANY "rule" imposed by any little school district, period. Constitutional rights are the highest rights in the land.      


    Unfortunately even this conservative court agrees that the school district can set its own rules. The right to pray doesn't mean that you can do what you want, when you want any more than freedom of speech allows you to yell "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater.

    While the passion that some people in this thread have shown is admirable, it doesn't go along with the law.

    The issue to me is how anyone would have a problem with a coach trying to do what is right and honorable... I understand your point but America is in sad shape whenever the courts side in such a ridiculous. way.  Its hard to believe that in this time of difficulty and with worse times to come that people still choose to wholeheartedly reject God.  May God do what he has to do to turn this country around.

    IMHO, I think God will allow all these things to continue happening to our country until HE sees we have come to our senses somewhat and put HIM ahead of all else. I really think it's a test of faith.  SOrry for maybe sounding like a preacher, but that is truly how I feel.

  5. Imagine that...it's considered, in some situations, unlawful to pay honor to and ask blessings of, the ONE who put us here in the first place. Is it any wonder that our country has turned into the sad condition that it has?

    HE must look down from HIS high, holy place on these liberal, anti-prayer, ACLU, gay marriage, pro-choice types and shake HIS head in disgust!!  >:(

  6. I saw a story on CNN this morning where they inteviewed various athletes and how they noticed how stronger their bodies became. A female track star begin to notice the pain in her broken foot went away. Another minor league baseball player began to pitch harder and was called up the majors.

    The pain in her foot went away but she also noticed that she was shaving alot more than usual. She has beautiful sideburns now!!  ;D

    Now that you mention it, I did see hair growing between her teeth :)

    Uuuhhh..I dont think it was GROWING  Dove. ;D

  7. I saw a story on CNN this morning where they inteviewed various athletes and how they noticed how stronger their bodies became. A female track star begin to notice the pain in her broken foot went away. Another minor league baseball player began to pitch harder and was called up the majors.

    The pain in her foot went away but she also noticed that she was shaving alot more than usual. She has beautiful sideburns now!!  ;D

  8. I've heard of parents taking their kids to get growth hormone shots. But no personal proof.

    Not surprising at all...some parents will go to ANY lenghts to have their kid get the edge...whether it's          right or wrong.  It seems they fail to realize (or just don't think it's that important) what the negative health effects in the long term will be...just as long as junior gets the advantage.


    Statistically, I woulndn't even hazard a guess, but I would think it's alot more than anyone would care to admit.

    What are your thoughts BCBB.

    Eagle suggested maybe about 10%.  That's about 10% too much IMO.  But as competitive as HS sports are and the potential benefits of performing well to attain the next level, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

    It's a SAD statement...but one that I don't think is going away anytime soon.

    I am curious just how "random" those random tests are.  Will a school REALLY test a star athlete and have the risk of him/her failing the test?? I don't think so. Maybe sweeping a postive result under the carpet?? I do think so.  Just my opinion.

  10. He also told them they will no longer have their name on the back of their game jerseys. He said they had to play as a team and that name is on the front of the jersey.

    Sounds like Coach isn't going to put up with any "super-star" egos or "I'm too good to have to run laps"  BS.  From what I've heard and read so far he is definitely TEAM focused which I think may be the shot in the arm that PNG needs to succeed.

    I TOTALLY agree with you, Yankee Dawg!  Everyone is "equal" on the team, no one treated better than another...just what PNG needs.....I have a feelin the NDN's will do very well this year!   ;D

    I sure hope so Warrior.  He seems to know how to get things done and I'm sure he is going to be a great motivator for your kids, school and fans as well.

    Should be the BEST MCM we've seen in a while!!

  11. What are the rules for players that are over 18 during games. can they chew tabacco? some coaches do

    it's ok, but if you want to smoke you must step out of the dugout. :P

    Heck, back in the day when I played LL in New York, we smoked on the field and the Umps and coaches had their Schaefer Beer on ice in the home team dugout!!

    But back then, everyone was civil and noone gave it a second thought  ;D...well, except for some of the parents  ::)

  12. Actually you were referring to it. Your words again:  "From what I've heard and read so far he is definitely TEAM focused which I think may be the shot in the arm that PNG needs to succeed".  I believe this is a "not TEAM focused in the past" statement.

    Burnett didn't promote a TEAM philosophy?

    He also told them they will no longer have their name on the back of their game jerseys. He said they had to play as a team and that name is on the front of the jersey.

    Sounds like Coach isn't going to put up with any "super-star" egos or "I'm too good to have to run laps"  BS.  From what I've heard and read so far he is definitely TEAM focused which I think may be the shot in the arm that PNG needs to succeed.

    I didn't say he didn't, did I ?   I'm referring to what Coach Faircloth said about the names on the jerseys.

    OK.... ::).  Enlighten me...

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