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Everything posted by YankeeDawg

  1. I haven't read the book yet, but I'll bet it is pretty representative of ALL of all professional sports and the majority, if not all, of the teams.
  2. Sounds like Coach isn't going to put up with any "super-star" egos or "I'm too good to have to run laps" BS. From what I've heard and read so far he is definitely TEAM focused which I think may be the shot in the arm that PNG needs to succeed. I didn't say he didn't, did I ? I'm referring to what Coach Faircloth said about the names on the jerseys.
  3. Sounds like Coach isn't going to put up with any "super-star" egos or "I'm too good to have to run laps" BS. From what I've heard and read so far he is definitely TEAM focused which I think may be the shot in the arm that PNG needs to succeed.
  4. The way I read it, Gagne is 82...the victim was 97. A fight between an 82 y/o and a 97 y/o would be interesting to watch in any event.
  5. He's a HGH/Steroid saleman from Santo Domingo. :
  7. I personally use ones off this list... [Hidden Content]
  8. "That's right, I only did steroids ONE time, and that was while I was under the influence of coke. So, screw you all...I AM innocent"
  9. He sounds sooooooo sincere. Someone from the audience should have thrown a pair of spikes at him (ala G. Bush) [Hidden Content]
  10. He likes the drama!!
  11. The Letterman show opened tonight with Dave saying: " I'm your host, Dave Letterman, and I have used steroids" Anyways, the next you're going to hear is that there are MLB/NFL/NBA/NHL players admitting to the fact that at one point they belonged to the Russian Women's powerlifting team.
  12. Regardless of whether its professional or amatuer sports, the business world, the medical field or any other profession or circumstance that involves competition for that matter, there will always be those that seek to gain the advantage by unscrupulous means. It's just the way human nature is, I believe...and rules and regulations and laws may deter it to an extent but cheating will never be completely eliminated from society. HEY...Great news btw...Dawgs beat Vidor 55-50 in OT.
  13. Sounds like a power trip from authorities to me. Lighten up, will ya? LOL...I am lightened up..that was a touch of sarcasm...
  14. NHS83LU87 - Very good post. I for one, appreciate your time and energy in speaking with the principal. As in similar situations in the past, the untimely or total lack of communication between the administration and those involved (and vice versa) seems to be the main cause for this mess. GO DAWGS....There may not be boards at the game, but there's gonna be a mess of supporters cheering you on to victory!!!!
  15. WOW...it sounds like BinLaden and Co. are going to the game with WMD's , rather than a group of good, enthusiastic young fans to support their team, friends and classmates. :
  16. Good Luck Hippy....Nothing like some crab meat stuffed flounder fillets on the grill with lemon pepper butter.
  17. Bring your and Support the DAWGS and have some fun in the process ;D Good Luck to Coach and the TEAM!!!
  18. ditto. you don't bring a bad argument to the table. my biggest worry is just that the light punishment will not be enough to help him decide which way to go. hopefully, regardless of how this ends up, he'll straighten himself out and make the most out of the talent he's been blessed with. Such a tender and warm moment, so close to Valentine's Day and all!! :D....I wish we could all get along like you guys!!! ;D not everyone can have hearts so tender and pure. Aaawww...Feel the Love ;D
  19. Yep, I agree. Look what happened to Michael Phelps for that one picture of him hitting a bong. His whole life is about to implode. The situation with Jefferson very well could have happened to any other quality HS athlete in any district in the state. Race is NOT an issue in this IMO. The use of illegal drugs transcend all race/economic/social lines.
  20. chicks dig the longball.....they even had a commercial about it. so what I said makes sense Gabe? I know it may sound a bit far-fethced but stranger things have happened.
  21. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was found out that the big-wigs in MLB introduced these star players to roids as a means of increasing crowd size and revenue. Fans naturally want to see big names hit the long ball, so it makes perfect sense to me. Geeesh, I'm so friggn cynical.. :
  22. You would think because he is also an Assitant Principal he might have a clue about. Yeah...you would think...but evidently NOT. The question is: Didn't know about it.....or....didn't WANT to know about it....or.....knew about it and outright lied to cover it up???
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