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Everything posted by YankeeDawg

  1. What purpose would this serve? Please answer me. It makes no sense.....is it so posters can get on here and trash candidates and PNG as well? It doesn't serve ANY PURPOSE to release the names. And again, the folks from other schools are more "up in arms" about this list than PNG folks. Are you afraid one of YOUR coaches may have applied? Do you have a dog in the fight? What gives......PNG fans are laughing at you guys for getting so upset about this. We're the ONLY ones that should want the list revealed and we're not balking the decision of the board. Go figure, getting the Attorney General involved, bringing up the FOI clause. You guys have waaaaaaayyyyy too much time on your hand to be worrying about this. This is ridiculous....I hope PNG NEVER releases the list, but only announce the coach they hired.......that way, the guy will have a fighting chance........this is ridiculous. I'm going to make a call to my contact in the CIA to find out who KDOS REALLY is!!!! ;D
  2. LOL I was just thinking that while posting on another thread on this subject PNGFAN. Poor COOP won't be able to keep up when the list is finally released. :
  3. I understand what you're saying Warrior. IF a Nederland coach did apply for and get your AD/HC position, I would be upset to the extent that we lost a good coach to our closest rival. I wouldn't be upset personally at the individual for wanting to better himself, nor would I be upset with PNG or your fans for losing him to you. I try not to take or express anything on here to do with football as a personal attack on another's schoool, team or fans. I take it as an enjoyable way to spend time, expressing and sharing different opinions and even as a learning experience. Seriously attacking another on here (or their beliefs, school, fans, team etc) for whatever reason is not acceptable IMO. Friendly barbs battles are fine...It keeps the blood flowing. As long as it's on a civil level. (Well, with exception of MCM week...j/k ;D : Eagles 38 Cardinals 20 Steelers 34 Ravens 17 WOW....Eagles, Cardinals and Ravens...football has gone to the birds :
  4. Just wondering if this might have something to do with PNG now wanting their new AD to have a master's? ( Keeping up with the Jones?) KDOSullivan, you amaze me! You must have a lot of free time to think these things up. PNG requiring a masters has nothing to do with Neumann having his masters. I believe more and more schools are now requiring it because the position has changed from just being a Head Coach to an AD as well. The AD is an administrative postition, thus, the candidate will be required to have his masters in order to meet the requirements. Of course, I feel you will spin this any way you wont, so probably no use in trying to explain it to you. PNG>>>>>>Honor.....Pride......Tradition......"Priceless" Just soooo defensive. :......This will stop, just release the names like the law requires....Then everything will go back to normal.....I am telling you, I think I am right about the master's. It is not a bad thing, just Nederland did it first. Like Warrior touched on, the AD position is ALOT more than drawing the X's and O's. The position is ADMINISTRATIVE, including responsibility for the athletic budget for ALL sports. Also, If I'm not mistaken, ALL the coaches in ALL of the sports offered at the HS level ultimately report to the AD. Not minor resposnibilities by any stretch. Even as competitive as PNG and Nederland are, I really can't believe that PNG is looking for a candidate with a masters degree because "Nederland did it first".
  5. Top of the morning to ya Warrior...I don't think I'm getting upset about this at all..It's more curiosity than anything, which I believe is what's behind most of the posts on here. I was just trying to equate PNG's situation to that of LCM. I think you have to agree to an extent that the stance your school board is taking though, IS putting some suspicions into alot of people's minds (about something "underhanded" or whatever, taking place). The only thing about this that will upset me is if a Bulldog coachs' name is on that list AND he is chosen. Well whatever the final outcome is, I just hope for the Indians sake, the BEST candidate is chosen, on his merit and abilities to ensure a bright future for PNG football and community. Enjoy the games today!! Eagles and Steelers in the BIG ONE!! ;D
  6. Very good post Gabe. My only comment/question though (which I've posted a similar one on another thread) is: Why was LCM's list freely put out to the public, while PNG's is being held in such a confidential matter. Are not the situations basically identical?
  7. You got mine bro' wait an hour and I;ll give ya another one. OK...DONE
  8. This brings back some good memories [Hidden Content]
  9. And again I ask...Whas about LCM...It can't be that much a different situation...can it??
  10. Rusty Brittain, the PN-G ISD board president, told The Enterprise on Tuesday there was reservation about releasing the names to the public for the fear that one of the candidates might lose their job for pursuing the position. are you people really loosing that much sleep over this job position.. just be patience, remember its a virtue Nah...I don't lose sleep for anything ;D (well...one thing..but that's irrelevant to this board :. I'm just curious about PNG being soooo concerned about a potential candidate losing their job...So basically LCM doesn't care if someone loses thier job??.. I personally tend to agree with RED Headed Stepchild's post...something is being put under the carpet I think.
  11. LOL...If they release THAT info, I hope that person doesn't have a kid going to school there
  12. What I don't get is why the candidates for the LCM job are public info but PNG's isn't. Isn't it basicallly the same situation??
  13. CONGRATS to Gal's daughter and all the Lady Dawgs. WAY TO GO!!!
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. Gal, your daughter plays right? How did she do? Let us know.
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. I take it you have known him personally for some time?
  18. Young men make mistakes! If true then this was not that bad of a mistake and I am sure he learned a valuable lesson. I would have been very dissapointed if it had been drugs or robbery like some of our other local talent that made it to Austin. Yep...definitely bad judgement on his part, but as long as he learns from it.
  19. Not an overly bright move
  20. WOW...to be 17/18 y/o and have those kind of problems. The kid will excel regardless of what position he settles at.
  21. Thanks for your kind offer Gal. But it's more than just a driving issue... Some days I just feel completely exhausted and have no desire to do anything...I guess it's a combination of the meds and my old age Like I told Proud up there its going to be a last minute decision but if I feel up to going on the 29th, I may take you up on your offer. Many thanks!!
  22. And most will be IN the SPIRITS ;D Hey Dawg, you goin? It's gonna be a last minute type decision Proud...health reasons and effects from the stroke :-[ but hopefully I'll be able to make it.
  23. With a 14-14 record and an ERA over 4.0 he's lucky to be seeing $10Million. It isn't like he had a stellar season!! If I was Cashman, it would be "Take it or don't let the door smack your butt". >
  24. Do you have a hot wife or girlfriend? ;D And if they answered both ???????????? Then What lol LOL...Hire him NOW!!!! or else!!
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