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Everything posted by YankeeDawg

  1. Do you have a hot wife or girlfriend? ;D and the 2nd questions would be: If the answer to the the first question is YES, do you believe in sharing? ;D
  2. Don't have a clue cause I can't count that high $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...but rest assured, the Steinbrenners would have him in the "pinstripes". ;D
  3. From the sound of this, I think he may have had more than just "another" ;D Maybe the guy reminded daly of the "rocket" [Hidden Content]
  4. I've never noticed those markings on the clubs i used at putt-putt ;D
  5. my pleasure admin 8)
  6. My wife found this NY Daily News clipping dated 6/14/48 while cleaning out the desk. Thought I'd share it with ya'll. I remember seeing it in my Dad's stuff when I was a kid, but didn't know where it wound up. I have no idea how I got it. Here's another one from a recent NY Daily News article
  7. Didn't TW already have FOXHD (Sunday football). It seemed like it was in the 860's-870's.
  8. Next thing ya know, they will charge a service fee everytime you turn the TV on. >
  9. Back in the 1970s when I was at Lamar, there were so many of the guys on scholarship that you knew were never going to get a degree. I remember seeing football and Men's basketball players in classes the first few days, and then afterwards, you never saw them. ( Except a few)...Baseball, track, women's athletes were always in class. Heck, women athletes were generally at the top of the class. They seemed to work harder because they were there on scholarship. In the 76-78 time frame I took a Renaissance and Reformation History class from Dr Bill MacDonald. It started with a number of football and baseball players. All of the football players wound up dropping the class. All of the baseball players finished the course. So then it's probably just coincidence heh? : Why does it seem to effect football and basketball guys more than other sports??
  10. No offense intended Bubba...( I see you just started posting on setxsports...just a friendly bit of info...don't take stuff on here personal..it'll drive ya crazy) I guess you're right though in saying that the athletes are the ones that make the news and not the accounting major0. btw...what did you major in? Heck I flunked out for partying too much and I wasn't even on scholarship ;D
  11. [Hidden Content] Why does this not surprise me?
  12. Me ??? LOL I didn't say anything about turning it down. Heck...I'd probably do the same thing : But what I'm talking about is getting a sound education. Do you really think these colleges actually care whether a scholarship kid does well academically (other than for the purpose of being able to play a sport). Look at how much trouble many of them get into with drugs/booze/guns/crime. They get it put into their heads that because they play sports they are above others and above the law. FSU (Felony/Florida State U) is a perfect example. The classroom education is the last thing on their minds I suspect. And I still think some major in Kinesiology, not because they want to coach, but because it's a heck of alot easier than engineering. And we all know that college professors/counselors NEVER, EVER alter students grades, on "suggestion" from their coaches, to ensure that they make at least the minimum passing grade for eligibility. : But this is just my opinion. ...and BTW, even though I' was never very athletic, I didn't get picked last all the time in PE class. (I think the coaches just felt sorry for me and the fact that my grandma made them homemade cookies didn;t hurt either). Sometimes Dinky Clayton got picked last...well, when he wasn't stoned or in jail. ;D ;D
  13. My question is: Do most of these scholarship athletes major in hardcore college programs (the sciences/math/engineering/economics/finance/law/pre-med) or do most major in Communications/kineseology/basket-weaving just for the sake of taking relatively easy to pass courses to maintain their grades AND their scholarships?? The reason I bring this up is because alot of the interviews I see with college athletes...well, it makes me wonder.. Many have a hard time with sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary. Many consistently use expressions such as "well-uuh", "know what I mean", "Ya know". Not the type of individuals I would expect seeing heading a Fortune 500 Company, performing surgery or involved in aerospace engineering. Speaking of which, did you catch Caroline Kennedy's recent interview? LOL Don't get me started tiger..LOL..but yeaH I sure did...she has finally "mastered" ( or something like that!!!) the English language.. I find it ironic that she decides to stop using her married name and hangs on to the kennedy coat tails for political gains. Poor thing must have a death wish. And it wouldn't hurt if she was a little easier on the eyes !!!! [Hidden Content] M
  14. Wow!! A good post in my opinion. Well organized and laid out. Sounds like you have a Masters Degree. Did you apply at PN-G? : But can he run/run/pass/punt ?? :
  15. My question is: Do most of these scholarship athletes major in hardcore college programs (the sciences/math/engineering/economics/finance/law/pre-med) or do most major in Communications/kineseology/basket-weaving just for the sake of taking relatively easy to pass courses to maintain their grades AND their scholarships?? The reason I bring this up is because alot of the interviews I see with college athletes...well, it makes me wonder.. Many have a hard time with sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary. Many consistently use expressions such as "well-uuh", "know what I mean", "Ya know". Not the type of individuals I would expect seeing heading a Fortune 500 Company, performing surgery or involved in aerospace engineering.
  16. NEVER to make another New Year's resolution!! ;D
  17. No big deal...They just raise ticket prices by 18%, shoot a hot dog to $7.50 and a cold one to $8. See...we have plenty of moneyfor payroll!!! ;D Friggin ridiculous...when I lived in NY i was about 15 minutes from the Stadium. We'd go to as many home games as possible. GenAdmin seats were $2.50, bleacher seats $1.25 We'd wait until the 3rd inning then sneak into the reserved/box sections cause we couldn't afford the $3.50 - $5.50 for those seats). A hotdog was $1.25 and a beer was $2.00. Now it would take refinancing the house just to get enough money for parking in a lot ( so the truck doesn't get trashed/stolen/burned/stripped), plus the cost of hiring a security guard to walk you from the lot to the Stadium entrance (so you don't get shot/stabbed/assaulted/drugged) ;D How many times did you see the Babe play? [/quote LOL. Looking at those prices that YankeeDawg listed, I was thinking surely he saw the Babe play....even the Brooklyn Dodgers. Not the Babe, but I did see Alexander Cartwright's NY Knickerbockers play at Elysian Field in Hoboken NJ. ;D ;D
  18. No probs here in this part of Nederland. Watching CBS news on ch 865. ::keeping fingers crossed::
  19. :o :o :o Dear Santa,
  20. Gabe--did ya check out the thread I dedicated to ya??
  21. Dang!!! I guess he IS that good !!! LOL ;D
  22. No big deal...They just raise ticket prices by 18%, shoot a hot dog to $7.50 and a cold one to $8. See...we have plenty of moneyfor payroll!!! ;D Friggin ridiculous...when I lived in NY i was about 15 minutes from the Stadium. We'd go to as many home games as possible. GenAdmin seats were $2.50, bleacher seats $1.25 We'd wait until the 3rd inning then sneak into the reserved/box sections cause we couldn't afford the $3.50 - $5.50 for those seats). A hotdog was $1.25 and a beer was $2.00. Now it would take refinancing the house just to get enough money for parking in a lot ( so the truck doesn't get trashed/stolen/burned/stripped), plus the cost of hiring a security guard to walk you from the lot to the Stadium entrance (so you don't get shot/stabbed/assaulted/drugged) ;D How many times did you see the Babe play? LOL...unfortunately never...He was born way too early!! I started going to the Stadium in the Mantle/Maris era...I remember going to games on Little League days (The LL in the area would pick a home game and pay for all the kids to go)..there were huge crowds of kids in their uniforms!!...it was sooo friggin exciting..they let us walk on the field. I remember standing in CF...right where The Mick played...and was in awe of how huge the stadium was and how it felt to be in that spot..I get chills to this day thinking about that...Good memories man!!
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